Jan 05, 2009 16:15
it is a bad idea, i have determined, to let it be known that you are a "nice" person. the people that do so, fall into one of two categories:
a) douchebags who are lying to you
b) retardedly naive people
obviously, i've only seen this from the male end of things (lulz i r so ghey?), but still, i've heard enough girls whine about getting dicked over to come to this conclusion. i don't think being nice is a weakness or anything, but it does leave you more susceptible to getting taken advantage of. therefore admitting it readily to everyone you know sets you up for getting douched.
i also don't think you have to act like a douche all the time or anything, just, you know, stop laying the, "oh i'm SUCH a nice guy/giyl" thing on so thick.
what matters most is this: do the consequences of my actions affect anyone else negatively? as long as that answer remains no, i'm pretty pleased with the decisions i make. that's actually one of the perks of being single. i'm gotten pretty used to it. =)!
also, this wasn't brought about because of anything that has happened to me recently. just random thoughts at 3 in the morning.
... only i forgot to post it because i am retarded. enjoy. or don't. SEE IF I CARE.
no i do i lub you all.