
(no subject)

Mar 30, 2006 19:17

I was posting a reply to another person's post, but hey I'll just do it here. For those unfamiliar with politics in Canada, the previous government implemented a national childcare program. This program was implemented after the election was called, but before it was completed, which begs the question of why a government in the middle of a campaign can introduce such a program.

How is it that the government knows the best way to raise my children? I don't think that a program that only gives money to big daycare facilities is in our best interest. My children have attended different types of care from homes, to small daycares to larger daycares. We send our children where they get the best care, this is not always at the bigger facilities like the YWCA. Right now Brianna goes to a woman who runs a small daycare out of her home, she is a former elementary teacher who loves what she does. Bri gets tons of attention, good programming and good meals. These places would get nothing.

I prefer it if I can choose how where the money goes. I understand that in some parts of Canada there may be a shortage in childcare spaces, but this in not a country wide phenomenon. What works in Toronto might not work in Calgary, Regina or Halifax.

My preference is that we lower taxes so that more families can have a parent stay home. That was our problem. After Bri was born Kim stayed home for 2 years, but we just couldn't make ends meet. It seemed that every month we got behind another $50. We didn't live extravagantly, our house was a bungalow that was under 1000 sq feet, we drove and old car and rarely went out. We did spend money on kids sports but that was about it. When you consider that income tax takes up to 40% of your income, then you pay 7% GST and 7% PST there just isn't anything left.

I believe we need social safety nets, but good lord one size does not fit all.
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