May 13, 2004 22:20
so... today right? not much to tell. Crappy school day, Rachel talked to mr.rose for me, now I have his sympathy... i think if i do well on his final he may pass me. (hope to god).
chorus concert tonight too... no air in the auditorium. Me in a suit, plus no air = sweat. blah. had alot of fun afterwards though, took zach and stephanie to el rodeo, they bought my dinner for me for driving them around today. Yelled random obcenities at every person with their window down, or walking on side of the road... GREAT fun.
now i'm back here talking on AIM, woo! But you know what? No place I'd rather be. Parents asleep, me talking to friends... brings peace, tonight at least.
I love you guys to death...
good luck with everything seniors, I'll miss you. Don't leave me behind.
goodnight everyone