a long time coming...

Aug 17, 2008 21:43

*I just posted this entry in the January 1, 2008 community. I just added it hear too so I won't forget about it. For anyone who doesn't know, the January 1, 2008 community is a group for people who created a list of 101 things they'd like to accomplish in 1001 days. Everyone posted their list of goals and started working on accomplishing them on 1-1-08.*

I'll sadly admit that I really haven't been keeping up with my list for the majority of this year. A few things have gotten crossed off just because they needed to be done. But now I'm back with a more powerful sense of completion. And so here's a status report...

Strikeout = Completed
Bold = In progress

About my Goals
1. Review these goals every month [0/33]
2. Post an update about my goals every month [0/33]
3. Donate $1 for every goal on this list that is not completed
4. Make a new 101 list (in the last 60 days)

Physical Health
5. Floss teeth for 30 days in a row [0/30]
6. Brush teeth 2x a day for 30 days in a row [0/30]
7. Join a gym
8. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week for two months [0/32]
9. Sign up and regularly attend a yoga class
10. Go one month without eating fast food
11. Begin taking vitamin regimen daily
12. Moisturize daily for one month [0/30]
13. Drink 64 oz. of water daily for 60 days.[0/60]
14. Track periods every month for one year [0/12]
15. Stretch for 5 minutes every day for 30 days [0/30]
16. Run a 5K
17. Run a half marathon
18. Run a marathon

Mental Health
19. Watch a maximum of 1 hour of TV each day for 30 days [0/30]
20. Spend a maximum of 1 hour on the computer each day for 30 days [0/30]
21. Meditate daily for two months [0/60]
22. Say a prayer once a day
23. Record one thing every day that I appreciate about my life for one month [0/30]
24. Write a list of 50 things I love about myself
25. Reread this list every month [0/33]
26. Go a whole day without complaining, on 10 different occasions [0/10]

27. Create a monthly budget
28. Stick to my budget for 3 consecutive months [0/3]
29. Do not incur any late fees on any bills for one year
30. Balance my checkbook weekly for three months [0/12]
31. Pay down debt (excluding student loans) by 50% by the end of each year
32. Research and open my own IRA

Social Life
33. Each week for two months call a friend I haven’t talked to in ages [0/8]
34. Find a pen pal and keep them for at least one year
35. Send a handwritten letter to a different person each month [0/33]
36. Ask someone out on a date
37. Invite someone over for dinner on three different occasions [0/3]
38. Send out birthday cards to all close family/friends for the entire duration
39. Join the Jaycee’s

40. Study at least 5 hours a week for the remainder of school
41. Learn one new word a day for 2 months [0/60]
42. Complete the beginners guitar book
43. Research and become familiar with different options for investing
44. Complete Spanish Rosetta Stone
45. Read the Bible
46. Learn and be able to use Robert’s Rules

47. Go to the movies one a month for a year [0/12]
48. Create reading list each year
49. Read all books on my reading list within that year
50. Catch up with all of my scrapbooking

Self Improvement
51. Give blood at least once a year
52. Volunteer at least 50 hours during 2008
53. Volunteer at least 50 hours during 2009
54. Become a Big Sister
55. Read the newspaper everyday for two weeks [0/14]
56. Read Business Week each time I receive it
57. Watch CNN while getting ready each morning for one month [0/30]
58. Vote in the next election
59. Adopt an Angel in 2008
60. Adopt an Angel in 2009
61. For three months I will put a dime in the jar for each time I curse [0/3]
62. Go to dinner by myself at a nice restaurant
63. Break the habit of chewing/picking at my cuticles
64. Donate all the clothes that don’t fit anymore to Goodwill
65. Get rid of 101 things that I don’t use/need [0/101]

66. Visit 5 states I haven’t been to before [0/5]
67. Take a weekend trip to the North Carolina coast
68. Take a trip to Washington DC
69. Once a month for 6 months take a day trip to a new city [0/6]
70. Plan and take a trip all by myself
71. Meet 3 Live Journal friends [0/3]

72. Print out all of my past Live Journal entries
73. Create a book of my Live Journal entries
74. Update my Live Journal at least once a week [2/141]
75. Update my personal journal at least once a week [2/141]
76. Buy a new paper journal
77. Make a Live Journal Voice Post
78. Participate in at least DITL at least once each year [0/3]

79. Make dinner at home at least 3 nights a week for once month [0/12]
80. Bake cookies at least once each month in 2008 [0/12]
81. Pack my lunch daily for one month
82. Try 4 new recipes a month for 3 months [0/12]
83. Learn to make 5 different cocktails
84. Always have a bottle of white wine in the fridge
85. Always have a bottle of red wine in the cabinet
86. Eat dinner at the table (with the television off) everyday for one week [0/7]

87. Take Riley and Chloe to the park at least once a week
88. Update address book
89. Keep the dogs up to date with all their medication and vet visits
90. Get renters insurance
91. Get health insurance
92. Buy two fish and name them
93. Write a living will
94. Apply for at least two jobs a month in April, May and June [6/6]
95. Buy fresh flowers once a month for 6 months [0/6]
96. Vacuum apartment once a week for 3 months [0/12]
97. Move into a house
98. Mail a postcard to Post Secret each year [0/3]
99. Buy one power suit
100. Buy and read a marathon training book - Didn't buy a book but found a website that gives me tons of great information for free!
101. *Personal*

P.S. I'm looking for anyone interested in being a pen pal. One of my goals is to find and keep a pen pal for at least a year but I've yet to find a reliable source of pen pals. So if anyone is interested, please comment.
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