I am sitting in what is becoming more and more a recognizable library...giving my back a break while
rezansky is assembling the last new bookcase. We got rid of a lot of boxes and I found a home for the empty milk crates I have had for nearly 20 years...Inna and Trip are in the next room, the guest/scribe room - they love the mattress is on the floor. We got my scribe bookcase up and in place and slowly getting all my calligraphy, illumination, and paleography books in place (@%#^^#$ LJ, just froze up and now there is lag time between my typing and showing up on the screen) Still haven't found my Ott light, however. I can't understand where it would be...
Work has been mostly better. Mostly being driven crazy by one of the faculty. We are starting to use a new e-reimbursement system and the traveler is responsible for doing the report. Because we are still down a person in the office, I am the only one who can "approve" the reports and send them on to the next level. I cannot be an alternate and fill out a report for a traveler AND be the approver. This faculty member blieves that he shouldn't have to do any administrative work. He said that if he wanted to do admin work he would not have gone into academia. He wants me to do it for him, but I CANNOT. I have explained and explained. He has to do another report and I am dreading it. Normally, I like him. He is laid back and has a sense of humor. I am one of the few who can get him to reply to emails. But I am just going crazy trying to help him with this without just smacking him upside the head! Guess what? Travel reimbursement is a PAIN. It has always been that way. This new system will work better, but you got to actually learn how to do it...you know, like go through the damn tutorial! None of the faculty will go to training and I doubt most of them will go do the online tutorial. Four grad students have done reports with very little trouble...it isn't hard.
This reminds me why I would really really really love to leave the effing University some day. I am sick of faculty bullshit!
I am looking forward to the party this weekend. I think I know what I am going to make for tasty treats and it will be nice to entertain again. I have a sneaking suspicion that we might have forgotten to invite a few folks...the problem of "do you have so and so's email?" "Yes, at work" and then you forget.
Well, I suppose I should post this already and maybe put a few more books away before I call it a night.