Jul 27, 2016 22:14
Ok, just got to get this out...
A good friend who is also a Sanders supporter posted an article. She hoped that maybe the Democrats and Hillary supporters could read it and get a sense of what is driving the Bernie or Bust folks.
I couldn't finish the article. I just couldn't.
The author started off wishing everyone could just understand how much Bernie supporters have had it bad, how much they have suffered...
I mean, Fuck YOU! Like you are the only ones to have had serious troubles over the last, shit, how many years? Bernie supporters are the only ones who have lost jobs, stability, homes?? Really? What the Actual Fuck??!!
And even so, you have had it bad. That excuses bad behavior on the convention floor?
And this whole idea that it is all or nothing for many Bernie supporters.
My friend is going to vote for Hillary in November, but she just can't see anything good about Hillary. NOTHING. And that seems typical for so many of his supporters.
Which also makes me feel a little worried for them - what are they going to do the first time Bernie really has to compromise, be not so pure? Nobody should be put on a pedestal that high, you know? and it is going to be ugly.
Ok, I feel better now.
I can watch Tim Kaine now with a calmer mind.