Finding the Right WordsAuthor:
DisneymagicsGenre: J2-AU RPS h/c
Pairing: J2
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~29,000
Warnings: Jensen has permanent injuries caused by an assault from a teammate when he was in high school. Anomic Aphasia with a seizure disorder.
A/N (1): This is a sequel to my
A Man of Few Words I recommend you read that one first so that the entire situation will make more sense to you. I like that story.
A/N (2): So many liberties taken for dramatic license.
A/N (3): So, so many liberties.
Summary: Just when everything seemed to going well, and the occasional bumps in the road are manageable, life comes hard at Jensen. His job, his health, and his relationship with Jared, are all teetering on a knife's edge. Still, and forever, dealing with his inability finding the right words, he is at a loss on how he can fix all the things that have gone terribly wrong.
And yet, among the chaos, there is a possibility of Jensen fulfilling a lifelong dream.
Link to fic:
Finding the Right Words on AO3
Link to art: Bluefire986's ART IS
HERE on LJ, and
HERE on AO3~~*~~*~~