The South-East Australian bushfires continued to rage during the week. Estimates of the dead are now around three hundred, although
the official toll has stood at 181 for some time. The number of animals that have died is estimated to be
in the millions. Apparently one needs to be university researcher to
blame trees and the Greens, and divine inspiration to blame the
decriminalisation of abortion.
I have started
a new public policy website in accord to
my 2009 plan. The idea is to combine elements of liberal, socialist and anarchist theory into a practical and results-orientated perspective. The intention is to gradually build the movement, one person at a time, into something that is both far more interesting and independent than what passes for most political organisations. On a related topic, having become frustrated over the years by the inability of semi-professional organisations to deal with IT workplace issues (wages, OH&S, collective bargaining), I have joined the ACTU-affiliated
For sequential unix timestamp day (hat-tip to
tajna for the name),
caseopaya and I went to the hills to look at housing to buy despite the smell and haze of smoke that covered the city. Our landlords have increased the rent on our apartment by almost 25% and we're in the situation when where we can buy a significantly larger property with a mortgage repayment of less than we're currently paying in rent. So we had a trip out to Belgrave, Sassafras, and Mt. Dandenong and had a very late lunch outside the
William Ricketts Sanctuary. No firm decisions yet from the initial scouting mission.
During the week also had a visit from
hathalla and
ser_pounce; it was a belated birthday gathering for the latter. I provided him a signed copy of
robin_d_laws's HeroQuest and made an enormous tiramisu using a famous
frou_frou recipe.