Rocknerd Reviews, More on Home Improvements, Linux and Work

Dec 06, 2019 22:17

Apropos my last entry on seeing We Lost The Sea, I have two reviews up on Rocknerd of said band. The first is of the concert itself, where I do express my appreciation of the work. The second (posted on the same day!), is of their latest album, Truimph & Disaster which was released only a couple of months ago. My considered opinion is that it's pretty good, but not as good as their last album - which is a hard call, given how impressive that is. That should probably do for my reviews on Rocknerd this year, except for perhaps a review of Mark Burgess's View from A Hill, which I've been meaning to do for quite a while now. I already have some articles planned for next year, however.

Much of my spare time has been taken up with continuing home improvements. Probably dull as dishwater for any external readers of this 'blog, but pretty important for those who have to live here. Flooring people came over on Thursday and between the three of them managed to remove the skanky carpet and lay the floorboards in good time. It's looking much better, to say the least, and is going to be a lot easier to maintain. Now I have the task of shifting the mountains of furnishings back into their proper location, although as I'm doing so, taking the opportunity to make the necessary cull of various unnecessary possessions; "stuff accumulates". Next step after this is going through the questionable electrics, and then fixing the plastering, which is in dire need of repair, and finally the hydronics and kitchen.

Visited Linux Users of Victoria this week for their final meeting of the year and donated a small mountain of relevant magazines to the Library of LUV. Also have a small mountain of relevant books to give to said body (or anyone else). Prior to the meeting caught up with Shupu W., whom I haven't seen for over two years. A fine conversationalist, we discussed various workforce related matters, the challenges of democracy vis-à-vis China, and various old and good friends. Although relevant to the Linux topic, our cluster has had to extend its outage due to a failed external dependency; i.e., an issue with the network. I have taken the opportunity to work on several training documents, including Open OnDemand, numerous job submission scripts, and examples of Perl, Python, PHP, and Java regular expressions for the course I am running next week. To finish it all off, attended the 2600 Melbourne meet-up this evening. Been a while since I've been to one of those; good cynical conversation over drinks about what can and does go wrong in our profession.

This entry was originally posted at

work, home, rocknerd

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