How to Think Like A Republican about Sex and Reproduction

Jul 03, 2013 22:13

1. Try to control sex education at the state level. Insist on abstinence-only curricula. Ban any discussion of birth control pills or condoms. Stress to children that ANY marriage sexual activity outside of heterosexual marriage is an abomination before God. End up with a population of teenagers too ashamed and afraid to go to the adults in their lives with questions about STDs, pregnancy, or prevention.

2. Make birth control as difficult to obtain as possible (after all, only whores need it!). Insist that the morning after pill is too dangerous to be sold over the counter. Press for religious exemptions so employer-provided health care plans can opt out of covering the pill. Foil the efforts of college campuses to distribute condoms.

3. Work stringently to tear down abortion rights. Roe v. Wade may not allow states to outlaw abortion outright, but it can be so tightly restricted that it becomes virtually impossible for a woman in your state to find a provider.

4. Once the woman is pregnant and you have ensured that she cannot have an abortion, STOP CARING. Do not make sure the mother has access to prenatal care. Do not pass laws to make sure she keeps her job while on maternity leave. Do nothing to address her lack of access to affordable child care and quality preschool. Do not make sure she has a social safety net so she can care for her child in the event that she loses her job. After all, if her circumstances are less than ideal, that's HER FAULT. Right!?!?
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