Just checking in...

Jun 20, 2011 14:27

...to prove I still exist.

Busy, busy, busy; work inevitably gets more hectic the closer my finishing date looms (ironically, while the excuse for my laying off is the sale of one US subsidiary/partner, the other US subsidiary/partner is suddenly coming up with all manner of errors and problems). And then much of the weekend was spent on decorating the apartment, as we try and get it ready for renting out ASAP. We've had new flooring put down in the kitchen and bathroom, and tiling done in the kitchen, and a few other bits and pieces, and now we've followed that up with a lot of cleaning/priming/repainting. Still some stuff to do (finishing cabinet doors and some other detailing, and then we have to move on to the living area and bedroom (but there's less work to be done there). So far it's looking pretty good and should be very smart by the end of the month (though the cabinet doors will still be warped - we can't afford to replace/redo them completely - they will look much improved).

On the writing front... I've actually been subbing a bit more lately, but tht just means I'm getting more rejections as well. Some are "good" rejections (e.g. a request to sub something else, with pointers on what, from JJA at Lightspeed), others not so. I could do with an acceptance to stem the flow of no-ness, but I'll cope one way or the other. I'm going to try WOTF again with another Yi Qin story, and if that fails, well, there are other markets for it, and other Yi Qin stories to finish/polish and throw in their direction next time.

And I'm continuing to work on the novel, which continues to solidify (though with pieces missing). I have three POV characters with individual voices, which is a good start, and I have intertwined plots and subplots, and some fun supporting characters, and some of the bones of the other two books in the triptych. More on the subject on Friday, I hope.

personal monday

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