Sep 23, 2012 19:28
I'm likely to focus entirely on school within a week or two at most so here likely ends the journal of things I've learned or done.
Things I learned or did today:
I learned that Beckwith township is a popular dumping place for Ottawa-ites who don't want their pets: an adolescent grey short hair cat has moved-in at sifu Trench's (still under construction) house. It's clearly a former pet -- super friendly and social. Rob (the cabinet carpenter who lives down the road from the job site) asked around with the neighbours, and nobody's missing a cat. Rob is the one who explained that they see a lot of dumped pets around their neck of the lake.
I learned that cats will remember exactly where you stashed your lunch after you give them a bit of coldcut from your sandwich, and they will get into it.
I learned that cats will eat bread if they're hungry enough.
I also did work. Compacting the driveway after some extra gravel was put down to make the garage slab accessible for the trailer. Putting in blocking to anchor the cantilevered joists for the balconies. Policing the mess around the job site. Offloading bags of concrete mix.
Anyway, if anyone wants a free socialized kitty, do give me a word, if you don't particularly want a kitty, please pass word along and see if maybe anyone else you know would like a kitty.
That is all.