Activity/Trade Logs

May 25, 2012 06:34

Activity Log

1.  Submitted to la_corda_itest and got solar20, vision12, ego12, and star11.
2.  Voted at la_corda_itest and got ocarina15.

Placed at la_corda_itest and got moonlight9, ougi8, and catcher5.

3.  Voted at inuawards and got beer13.
4.  Submitted tosesshy_icontest and got guns16, fto2, and scythe3.
5.  Voted atsesshy_icontest and got bunter3.
6. Voted at la_corda_itest and got pewter10.

7.  Voted at ff_creation and got dexter75.
8.  Submitted to clamp_icontest and got jellopy12, robot18, and scythe8.
9.  Voted atvgicontest and got kompeito10.
10.  Voted at banner_contest and got extreme10 and idiot6.
11.  Voted at clamp_icontest and got bunter6.

12.  Submitted to animanga_itest and got blast11, dwma5, left13, and water14.
13.  Voted atanimanga_itest and got fridge18.

14.  Submitted to la_corda_itest and got burn3, gundam18, and shenlong6.
15.  Voted at la_corda_itest and got rat13.

16.  Submitted to clamp_icontest and got little13, puu13, and crimson14.
17.  Voted at clamp_icontest and got moon19.
Placed at la_corda_itest and got pitcher1.
Placed at itachi_icontest and got play6, relative5, and honey2.

Placed at clamp_icontest and got shogi18.

18.  Submitted to animanga_itest and got at2, dexter9, medic8, and priest13.
19.  Submitted to itachi_icontest and got heir10, mentor7, scythe7, and taiyoukai5.
20.  Voted at itachi_icontest and got mafia19.
21.  Voted at title_awards and got peach15.
22.  Voted at animanga_itest and got psynergy7.
23.  Submitted to la_corda_itest and got cephiro5, dies14, gay1, and strong19.
24.  Voted atinuawards and got symmetry4.
25.  Submitted to sesshy_icontest and got disguise9, little15, and balinese3.
26.  Voted at sesshy_icontest and got dwma1.
27.  Voted at la_corda_itest and got dice20.
Placed at la_corda_itest and got hosts1, horse9, and pokedex8.
28.  Voted at banner_contest and got biceps18 and limbs2.
29.  Voted at sesshy_icontest and got advisor18.

30.  Submitted to clamp_icontest and got ashes6, growl10 and little11.
31.  Voted at clamp_icontest and got count14.

32.  Voted at ff_creation and got 11th9.
33.  Submitted to animanga_itest and got assistant3, buster20, espada7, and rain1.
34.  Voted at animanga_itest and got mysterious14.

35.  Voted at itachi_icontest and got ocarina19.

36.  Voted at anime20in20 and got make-up14 and spira9.
37.  Voted at clamp20in20 and got gamuza11 and normal2.
38.  Voted at title_awards and got drill2.
39. Submitted to sesshy_icontest and got hair5, objection13, and shenlong1.
40.  Submitted to la_corda_itest and got 10th16, dexter37, espada5, and normal12.
41.  Voted at la_corda_itest and got heavy6.
42.  Voted at sesshy_icontest and got splat10.

Placed at la_corda_itest and got alchemy13.
Placed at sesshy_icontest and got celes16, meister7, puu11, and scythe12.
43.  Voted at ff_creation and got unwanted6.

44.  Voted at inuawards and got strong15.
45.  Submitted to clamp_icontest and got count7, rooster8, and shenlong13.
46.  Voted at clamp_icontest and got mars12.
47.  Voted at kingdom_chorus and got 10th4.
48.  Voted at title_awards and got gambler17.

49.  Voted at vgicontest and got xxxg4.
Placed at itachi_icontest and got homicide11, jupiter14, and left19.

50.  Submitted to itachi_icontest and got neko15, punisher17, wank16, and warrior7.
51.  Voted at animanga_itest and got typhoon1.

52.  Submitted to la_corda_itest and got donotwant9, guide15, and mental10.
53.  Voted at la_corda_itest and got usagi20.
Placed at la_corda_itest and got water13.
54.  Submitted to sesshy_icontest and got adopted10, disney13, and sandrock1.
55.  Voted at sesshy_icontest and got lock1.

56. Voted at animanga_itest and got kyuubi13.

57. Submitted to itachi_icontest and got gotei13, key8, sandrock16, and split19.
58. Voted at itachi_icontest and got right2.

59. Voted at title_awards and got robot13.
60. Submitted to kingdom_chorus and got disguise20, ocarina17, pluto5, and squirrel6.
61. Voted at kingdom_chorus and got pewter13.

Placed at animanga_itest and got engaged20, fto20, heir7, hyotei13, and varia8.
62. Submitted to sesshy_icontest and got engaged5, relative8, and sandrock18.
63. Voted at sesshy_icontest and got rabbit9.
64. Voted at la_corda_itest and got colonel19.

65. Submitted to animanga_itest and got cynic8, gambler2, orphan9, and tongue7.
66. Voted at animanga_itest and got relative2.
67. Voted at title_awards and got money10.

68. Voted at sesshy_icontest and got spira2.
69. Voted at la_corda_itest and got steel11.
70. Voted at inuawards and got gay13.

71. Voted at title_awards and got bunter5.

72. Voted at kingdom_chorus and got pokedex85.
73. Submitted to clamp_icontest and got key4, sandrock11, and water5.

74. Voted on kingdom_chorus and got mirror10.

75. Voted at banner_contest and got gotei13 and jellopy21.
76. Voted at sesshy_icontest and got animals4.

77. Voted at animanga_itest and got make-up1.
78. Submitted to clamp_icontest and got mafia9, sandrock4, and seer16.
79. Voted at clamp_icontest and got dexter83.
Placed at clamp_icontest and got a c-cert, biceps13, giraffe11, and reject8.
80. Voted at title_awards and got zangan20.

Placed at itachi_icontest and got extreme16, gotei8, kurain11, mars17, and tongue3.
81. Submitted to itachi_icontest and got balinese5, duck9, loveless19, and sandrock9.
82. Voted at itachi_icontest and got mafia5.

83. Voted at sesshy_icontest and got visored8.
84. Voted at la_corda_itest and got persocom6.

85. Voted at sesshy_icontest and got saturn9.

86. Voted at title_awards and got play15.

87. Voted at banner_contest and got make-up4 and nobodies11.

88. Voted at itachi_icontest and got ballet5.

89. Voted at title_awards and got varia17.

90. Voted at clamp_icontest and got symmetry15.
Placed at clamp_icontest and got gullible18.
91. Submitted to clamp_icontest and got 10th5, copy11, and heavy18.
Placed at animanga_itest and got disguise5, feathers19, and pun16.

92. Voted at itachi_icontest and got kazaana16.
93. Submitted to animanga_itest and got bunter2, crusnix10, rat19 and right7.

94. Voted at la_corda_itest and got bride9.
95. Voted at sesshy_icontest and got fridge5.
96. Voted at itachi_icontest and got pokedex28.

Trade Log

Joined (woot!) and got airhead16, blue12, chibi13, crossover2, cynic7, diamond7, half13, hod2, kyuubi15, little14, mars16, objection17, rose5, and water15.
Received little04 from rashiea
Bought little16 and little19 from the card shop.

Received scythe4, scythe6, scythe10, little17, shenlong4, cynic1, cynic16, bunter10, bunter16, princess3, princess7, princess17, princess18, princess19, disguise4, disguise5, disguise6, disguise13, disguise14, disguise18, objection1, objection19, visor2, visor5, visor9, visor15, visor16, visor20, coach12, pitcher12, kuso5, husband1, husband5, husband15, husband16, ow5, ow8, wife1, wife5, wife14, wife15, wife16, nishiura3, nishiura7, fiance18, heavy10, horse18, horse20, hostess5, hostess7, hostess8, hostess9, hostess11, hostess13, hostess20, idiot2, illegal6, illegal8, indigo19, inferno19, and insei5 from Uri.
Received scythe15 from whitelilies22.
Bought tone3 and tone13 from the card shop.

Traded diamond17 for scythe1 with stharridan. (1)
Received scythe13 from royalbk.
Leveled up and got a c-cert, hanyou8, and chariot13.
Bought jellopy43 and jellopy97 from the card shop.

Traded inferno19 and vision12 for gundam13 and scythe18 with margyydoodle. (2, 3)
Traded chibi13 for scythe16 with rynankh. (4)
Traded ego12 and ougi8 for little5, scythe14, and shenlong7 with stharridan. (5, 6)

Traded Alana card for little9 with Alana.
Signup approved and got ainu2, black18, dark8, and slayer15.
Bought plan2 from the card shop.
Traded chariot13 for scythe2 with saya. (7)

Traded ocarina15 for kurain5 with kyriefluffins. (8)

Traded solar20 for sandrock17 with saya. (9)
Bought jellopy100 and prince14 from the card shop.

Bought muga2 and revenge20 from the card shop.

Certed 2 Rank Cs for guide20 and jupiter13.
Exchanged hostess9 and hostess11 for scythe5.
Bought necro11 and orb11 from the card shop.
Leveled up and got a rankc, hat19, cherry11, and rekka18.
Traded guide20 and jupiter13 for scythe19 and scythe20 with rashiea. (10, 11)
Traded beer13 for scythe9 with rashiea. (12)

Traded cherry11 for little6 with saya. (13)
Traded pewter10 for little7 with rashiea. (14)
Traded dexter75 for little12 with rashiea. (15)

Traded idiot6 for bunter7 with whitelilies22. (16)

Traded fiance18, hat19, kompeito10, and star11 for disguise17 and xxxg2 withmargyydoodle. (17, 18)

Exchanged moonlight9 for little2.
Traded crossover2 for shenlong5 with shuijingling. (19)

Traded blue12 for giraffe18 with Alana.

Exchanged dwma5 for sky13.
Traded sky13 for scythe11 with pop_tart86. (20)

Traded shogi18 for little18 with rashiea. (21)

Traded jellopy12 for cook8 with kyriefluffins. (22)

Traded dexter9 for sandrock8 with rashiea. (23)
Leveled up and got a rankb, hanyou16, jupiter12, mars9, and shadow12.
Traded strong19 for wank9 with rashiea. (24)
Traded crimson14 and relative5 for heavy7 and jupiter15 with saya. (25, 26)

Traded pokedex8 for cook10 with saya. (27)
Exchanged hostess5 and hostess7 for wank5.
Traded cephiro5 and dice20 for shenlong9 and shenlong14 with mmrobitussin. (28, 29)
Traded dwma1 for little1 and sandrock7 with mobiuswolf. (30)
Traded advisor18 and dies14 for gundam4 and jupiter4 with stharridan. (31, 32)

Traded burn3 and puu13 for bunter8 and shenlong19 with saya. (33, 34)
Traded biceps18 and priest13 for heavy9 and kurain10 with stharridan. (35, 36)

Traded ashes6 for heavy15 with stharridan. (37)

Traded medic8 for little20 with whitelilies22. (38)
Traded kyuubi15 for water8 with whitelilies22. (39)

Traded ocarina19 for cynic4 with shuijingling. (40)

Traded spira9 for shenlong12 and shenlong15 with mmrobitussin. (41)
Leveled up and got a rankb, bomb13, fuuin29, jellopy68, little15, and warrior2.
Traded symmetry4 for water19 with pop_tart86. (42)

Traded meister7 and necro11 for shenlong3 and shenlong16 with mobiuswolf. (43, 44)

Traded rooster8 and strong15 for princess1 and scythe17 with mmrobitussin. (45, 46)
Mastered Scythe and got jupiter20, mars2, shenlong17, and shenlong18.
Traded at2, hanyou16, normal2, and normal12 for disguise7, giraffe4, heavy4, and visor1 with margyydoodle. (47, 48, 49, 50)
Traded buster20 for cynic12 with stharridan. (51)

First No-Cert Mastery and Traded 50+ Times and got a ranka, disguise11, guuren3, kailu20, madamada10, seiryu12, shenlong8, shenlong10, and viola14.
Traded left19 for jupiter1 with shuijingling. (52)
Traded kailu20 and seiryu12 and got kurain14 and princess13 with mobiuswolf. (53, 54)

Traded hair5 and rekka18 for disguise2 and heavy5 with whitelilies22. (55, 56)
Traded neko15 for shenlong11 with rashiea. (57)
Exchanged hostess8 and hostess13 for sandrock2.

Traded celes16 and unwanted6 for xxxg8 with saya. (58)
Traded puu11 for little3 with saya. (59)

Gave up blast11, fuuin29, hostess20, and orb11.

Bought 10th19 and pokedex25 from the card shop.

Bought catcher19 and rabbit2 from the card shop.
Contributed 50 times and got a ranka, mars4, and sandrock6.
Received shenlong2 from royalbk.

Traded heir10 and mental10 for make-up4 with kyriefluffins. (60)

Traded left13 for cynic5 with shuijingling. (61)
Bought lunar2 and snake20 from the card shop.
Leveled up and got a rankb, bandage8, cynic20, evolve13, justice5, shuukaku17, and silent16.
Traded evolve13 for shenlong20 with rashiea. (62)

Mastered Shenlong and Little and got evolve3, heavy20, little8, little10, mars11, sandrock13, shadow18, and wank11.
Traded evolve3 and shadow18 for sandrock10 and sandrock15 with rashiea. (63, 64)
Traded kyuubi12 and kyuubi13 for kurain19 and mars5 with mmrobitussin. (65, 66)
Exchanged lock1 for wank15.
Traded gotei13 and play6 for kurain8, nishiura4, and visor19 with wildmusings. (67, 68)
Received mars1, water1, and water7 from rashiea.
Traded justice5 and pokedex25 for xxxg1 with whitelilies22. (69)

Traded alchemy13 and dexter37 for cook11, count13, and right13 with stharridan. (70, 71)
Bought loveless20 and rat20 from the card shop.

Bought hacker18 and lancelot18 from the card shop.

Bought strike10 and unlucky18 from the card shop.
Traded robot13 and usagi20 for gundam19 and water3 with mobiuswolf. (72, 73)
Traded assistant3 for 10th1 with mobiuswolf. (74)

Bought doujin17 and pride14 from the card shop.
Traded squirrel6 for heavy13 with rashiea. (75)
Exchanged airhead16 and hod2 for wank3.

Traded ocarina17 for cynic13 with shuijingling. (76)

Bought dove3 and suit10 from the card shop.

Traded fto2, gamuza11, key8, loveless20, lunar2, pluto5, and puu10 for bomb1, bomb2, mafia14, objection12, viola6, and viola18 with saya. (77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82)
Bought cuffs7 and destiny79 from the card shop.
Traded gay1 for 10th20 and objection9 with wildmusings. (83)

Bought suit5 and suit11 from the card shop.

Traded adopted10 for jupiter17 with stharridan. (84)

Bought detective3 and megane17 from the card shop.
Bought justice20 and scar11 from the card shop.

Traded viola6 and viola18 for cynic3 and kurain1 with whitelilies22. (85, 86)

Traded colonel19 for sandrock19 with shuijingling. (87)
Exchanged psynergy7 for sandrock12.

Traded hyotei3 for make-up7 with whitelilies22. (88)
Traded tongue7 for make-up3 with whitelilies22. (89)
Received caipidi19, kazaana7, and victory14 for commenting.

Traded espada5 and taiyoukai5 for bomb5, right9, and silent15 with margyydoodle. (90, 91)

Traded caipidi19, kazaana7, and victory14 for mars15, princess4, and princess16 with rashiea. (92, 93, 94)
Traded heir7 for horse11 with kyriefluffins. (95)
Traded guide15 for mentor12 with kyriefluffins. (96)
Traded relative2 and relative8 for extreme13 and ocarina18 with saya. (97, 98)

Exchanged half13 and illegal8 for sandrock14.
Traded ocarina18 for giraffe9 with shuijingling. (99)

Exchanged destiny79 and suit5 and for sandrock5.

Traded engaged20, peach15, punisher10, typhoon1, and warrior5 for heavy17, kurain15, objection14, silent20, and water2 with margyydoodle. (100, 101, 102, 103, 104)

Bought objection4 and objection5 from the card shop.

Bought cook19 and objection16 from the card shop.
Bought cannonballs with detective3, disney13, drill2, pride14, scar11, spira2, and splat14.
Bought cannonballs with animals4, black18, gurren3, gotei13, idiot2, indigo19, megane17, and suit11.

Bought mentor8 and silent6 from the card shop.
Traded little15 for bunter15 with blueberryvulcan. (105)
Bought cannonballs with cuffs7, guns16, insei5, mirror10, prince14, shadow12, slayer15, suit10, and unlucky18.

Exchanged plan2 and viola14 for sandrock20.

Traded reject8 for kurain17 with mobiuswolf. (106)

Bought bite3 and varia15 from the card shop.
Bought blue16 from the card shop.

Bought author13 and rookie5 from the card shop.

Traded dexter83, fto20, and gambler2 for cynic6, cynic18, and heavy12 with mobiuswolf. (107, 108, 109)
Traded zangan20 for kurain2 with kyriefluffins. (110)

Bought liek10 and liek17 from the card shop.
Traded duck9 and pokedex85 for disguise10 with shuijingling. (111)

Bought jellopy48 and time11 from the card shop.

Exchanged hacker18 and strike10 for sandrock3.
Traded visored8 for water17 with rashiea. (112)
Bought knowledge10 and trumpet16 from the card shop.
Mastered Sandrock and got kurain4, mars14, orphan1, and pyro20.

Bought cannonballs with 11th9, ainu2, gotei8, orphan1, orphan9, seer16, tongue3, and trumpet16.
Bought cannonballs with dark8, doujin17, dove3, illegal6, justice20, limbs2, loveless19, pyro20, revenge20, and steel11.
Bought emo3 and emo16 from the card shop.

Bought french13 and unlucky9 from the card shop.

Earned the Jolly Rogers Set (Sparrow, Maplestory, Luffy, Harlock, Conan, Caribbean) from the 2012 Summer Event.

Traded persocom6 for giraffe19 with shuijingling. (113)
Bought palm2 and underage18 from the card shop.
Mastered Jolly Rogers and got disguise1, kyuubi4, mars7, mars19, prince16, radical15, rashiea, staff, time14, water9, and water10.

Bought detective19 and flute2 from the card shop.

Certed a b-cert for victory2 and victory4.
Traded victory2 and victory4 for heavy3 and water18 with rashiea. (114, 115)
Leveled up and got an a-cert, ainu7, dies12, exorcist18, mysterious10, pipe13, pokedex4, and rabbit9.
Bought flute9 and gene5 from the card shop.
Traded pokedex4 for objection10 with shuijingling. (116)

Exchanged detective19 and palm2 for kurain16.

Traded fridge18 for balinese7 with kyriefluffins. (117)

Traded dies12 for visor3 with wildmusings. (118)

Exchanged play12 for kurain7.

Exchanged rabbit9 and gene5 for water12.

Certed an a-cert for assistant7 and 2 c-certs.

Traded biceps13, espada7, growl10, and saturn9 for balinese4, balinese15, cook3, and xxxg9 with margyydoodle. (119, 120, 121, 122)
Traded assistant7 for heavy14 with kyriefluffins. (123)
Traded gullible18 for heavy1 with mmrobitussin. (124)

Exchanged ballet5, crusnix10, disguise5, gay13 and pun16 for 5 cloths.
Exchanged ainu7, emo3, emo16, exorcist18, flute2, flute9, key4, kyuubi4, lancelot18, and pipe13 for 5 gears.
Exchanged 3 c-certs for 3 papers.
Exchnaged feathers19, hosts1, mysterious10, mysterious14, radical14, robot18, shukaku17, and underage18 for 4 inks.
Exchanged 2 b-certs for 2 woods.
Exchanged french13, hanyou8, prince16, split19, unlucky9, and warrior7 for 6 plastics.
Exchanged 2 cloths and 1 gears for a pack.
Exchanged 2 gears and 1 plastic for a calculator.
Exchanged 1 gear and 1 plastic for a stapler.
Exchanged 1 cloth and 2 papers for a books.
Exchanged 1 cloth and 2 plastics for a lunchbox.
Exchanged 2 inks and 1 plastic for a pens.
Exchanged 1 wood and 1 ink for a ruler.
Traded kazaana16 for princess20 with rashiea. (125)
Mastered the Pieces Set and got blast13, destiny116, fto12, loveball, lunar17, tensai3, tezukazonepot, water6, and water11.
Mastered the School Supplies Set and got byakugan15, disguise3, disguise19, katana, lion4, pipe7, resonancy, snake1, wank10, water4, water16, and wizard9.

Exchanged knowledge10 and symmetry15 for water20.
Mastered Water and got heavy8, heavy11, heavy19, and knit1.
Traded loveball and rashiea for jupiter5, kuso20, switch12, switch13, switch19, and woobie9 with rashiea. (126, 127)

Traded tezukazonepot for bunter9, bunter12, and bunter14 with rashiea. (128)
Traded destiny116 for silent19 with kyriefluffins. (129)

Bought bomb17 and make-up11 from the card shop.

Bought fanservice16 and pun19 from the card shop.
Traded pokedex128 for bunter19 with whitelilies22. (130)

Exchanged pun19 for heavy16.

Bought rookie6 and youkai19 from the card shop.
Received kurain9 from mmrobitussin.
Exchanged fanservice16 for heavy5.

Mastered Heavy and got mars6, mars20, prodigy20, and ward10.

Traded rat13 for bunter20 with rashiea. (131)

Card Post
Contributions [96] Trades [131]


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