[Voting] :: [Week 121]

Apr 05, 2015 22:57

Voting Rules
01. For every question, choose the response that you feel is the best response. Base your decision on entertainment value, cleverness, and/or creativity; this is completely subjective to your own personal preferences. Which one do you like the best?
02. Only select one response per question. You do not have to vote for a question with only one given response.
03. You may vote for yourself if you truly think it is the best.
04. At the end of your comment, please specify whether you'd like two random cards or a Rank C Certificate.

Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a tcg_exchange member
Votes: 1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice: 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate

Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a member
Votes: 1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice: 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate

You have until 1:00 PM PST on Friday, April 10th, 2014 to submit your votes.

01. What sound does a bunny make?

a) *squeek squeek squeek squeek*
b) They squeal kind of like Japanese fangirls, but less annoying and more adorable.

02. Why do some people sign up for things they never have any intention of actually doing?

a) Because they think it's cool to do, but run out of time...
b) Good intentions and all that.

03. Why do people always drink on holidays?

a) Not all people drink at all, so that's an over generalization that is not applicable.
b) Drinking is the oldest tradition in the book.

04. What do you call a female daddy long legs?

a) Mommy long legs! :D
b) 04. Mommy long legs?

05. Why is good child care so hard to find?

a) Because you are paying someone to raise your child for you, so they cost a lot and/or are over booked when they are really good at what they do.
b) There isn't a neighborhood kid who wants some extra money? What a rarity.

06. Why do area carpets always get so dirty?

a) You walk all over them without washing them and you can't vacuum them. :(
b) They are there so that the floor underneath them doesn't get dirty instead. Appears they have served their purpose well.

07. Why are both of Spongebob's parents round like sea sponges while he is square?

a) The title of his show wouldn't make much sense otherwise.
b) :D He's so nerdy~ So square! :D Haha.

08. Why do people tend to share their "advice" or opinions with you even when you haven't asked for it/really don't want it?

a) Because they want to help you and sometimes their advice, though unwarranted, is actually sound advice.
b) Sharing is caring - or so some people seem to believe.

09. Why are sloths so adorable?

a) They look like a miniature bear just hanging out in the trees.
b) Have you ever seen their faces? WHO CAN RESIST THEIR SMILES?!

10. If the Wicked Witch of the West melts in water... how did she ever bathe?

a) Oil actually if you've ever read the book.
b) Alternative cleaning methods - like the no water cleaners for cats.

!voting, week 121

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