[Results] :: [Week 90]

Jul 28, 2014 01:02

01. If you could choose any type of creature (real or mythical) as a loyal steed, what would it be and why?


02. What do you think could be a real cause for a zombie apocalypse to occur?

d) Too much gaming killing all of our brains. by rashiea

03. Why do many people leave their expensive cars in their driveways, but they have useless junk in their garages?

d) Cars are a sign of money. Money that hangs out in your drive way so you can brag about it! by mmrobitussin

04. Why does society want us to stay in one career field for our entire lives?

c) Because apparently if we change our career, it's a sign we failed in our inital career and society hates failure. by mmrobitussin

05. What, if any, real life skills do you think that video games help to develop?

e) Well because of my master Tetris skills, I kick a** at organizing cigarette cartons at work... by caterfree10

06. If time travel were possible, do you think it would be acceptable to change the past at all? Why?

e) I'm having a back to the future moment. Forget going backwards, let's go forwards! by mmrobitussin

07. Are there any species out there that you think would be better suited with the same capacity of thought/awareness as humans? What species and why?

e) Koko the gorilla came pretty close... XD by mmrobitussin

08. Rewrite your own golden rule to live by (eg: "Do unto others as you'd have done to you.")

e) Everyone deserves respect and kindess, including you. by rashiea

09. Why is society so fascinated by serial killers?

c) Because we're all secretly sadistic in some way. mmrobitussin

10. Why do people spend money on frivolous items like Staples Easy Button?

d) Office White Elephant... What else would you get? mmrobitussin

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.

week 090, !results

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