So sorry to have kept you guys waiting this long on these results ;-;'
01. Why do some days go so well while others turn into a horrible mess?
a) Some days, your lucky stars are in alignment and others, they're laughing at you. by
caterfree10 02. Why do you have to feel so badly when your body is sick?
b) How can you have the energy to feel great when everything is drained by the illness? by
rashiea 03. Why is the body still sore days after a good workout?
c) Because there were too many days between this one and your last 'good workout.' by
wildmusings 04. Why are girls expected to wear heels when they dress up while they hurt their feet?
c) Because patriarchy. by
caterfree10 05. Why isn't it as acceptable for women to wear suits as men (not the little dress suits with skirts - suit suits with actual slacks and full jackets with all the pockets and lining)?
a) Because men think they own all the good fashion. by
caterfree10 06. Why do cats like to knead so much?
a) You really did want a side of accupuncture with that massage, didn't you? by
rashiea 07. Why do customers shop at a store but then complain/tell employees that they can find said product cheaper somewhere else?
c) They're hoping you'll take pity on them and price match so they don't have to waste their own time going elsewhere. by
rashiea 08. Why are we tempted to lie down on our bed when we know it's just going to make us fall asleep early?
c) Because sleep is always tempting no matter the hour. by
caterfree10 09. Why is it always when we either are extremely busy or have absolutely nothing to do that we feel the most tired?
c) The body's energy reserves are more difficult to program than the VCR. by
wildmusings 10. Why do people want what they can't have more than what they can have?
c) The grass is always greener on the other side. by
rashiea Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)
Also, if anyone wants to see the tallied results, let me know. XD;;;