Voting Rules
01. For every question, choose the response that you feel is the best response. Base your decision on entertainment value, cleverness, and/or creativity; this is completely subjective to your own personal preferences. Which one do you like the best?
02. Only select one response per question. You do not have to vote for a question with only one given response.
03. You may vote for yourself if you truly think it is the best.
04. At the end of your comment, please specify whether you'd like two random cards or a Rank C Certificate.
Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a
tcg_exchange member
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice: 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate
Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice: 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate
You have until 10:00 PM Eastern on Wednesday, November 13th to submit your votes.
01. Why do vacations make you so tired?
a) What are they doing in the first place to have a tiring vacation? Don't you know you're supposed to sleep on vacations?
b) It's all a ploy to make you want to go on vacation again.
c) Your body isn't used to relaxing so much, so it goes on over-relaxation.
02. Why do we still turn our clocks backwards/forwards in this modern age?
a) Like a radio, we must stay tunned with the sun.
b) They've yet to make an alarm clock that auto-updates like your cell phone or computer does.
c) It has to do with conserving time or something idk, I forget the details
03. Why do customers make such a mess during sale days?
a) idk, if I knew that, my job would be ten million times easier.
b) To make the employees work for their money. HERE COMES BLACK FRIDAY! :D
c) They have to go through everything to make sure they got the best deals for the best items.
04. Why do some people get motion sickness and not others?
a) Luck of the genes... or not so lucky.
b) Luck of the gene pool!
c) ;_; idk. *puke*
05. Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
a) Specially designed plastic
b) It does except when gravity acts upon it. :P
c) Certain materials are just lucky enough to be more glue resistant.
06. Do penguins have knees?
a) An eggcellent question. :P
b) Not in the sense that they bend like human knees do... they wouldn't have that cute waddle otherwise.
c) Yes, they're just covered in all those feathers
07. Why do children never agree with what you want them to do?
a) Children are contrary by nature.
b) Because once they learn they CAN disagree with you, they like using that to their advantage
c) To keep you on your toes.
08. Why do doctors leave the room while you change, if they're going to see you naked anyway.
a) ..... to give you a false sense of privacy.
b) They like to pretend there is still such a thing as modesty.
c) To give you a false sense of modesty
09. If curiosity killed the cat, but cats have nine lives, just how curious was that cat?
a) More curious than a two year old surrounded by shiny objects
b) Over 9(000).
c) More curious than was good for him.
10. Why do anime characters and Asian idols often touch/overlap their face while making different finger/hand gestures?
a) They think it makes them cuter.
b) something cultural I have yet to learn
c) To give them that strange cutesy effect.