01. How do you get rid of a migraine?
b) By chopping off your head of course! by
margyydoodle 02. Why don't we have a 'bring your pet to work day'?
c) Ask yourself how much work you get done on a normal day with all the 'cute animals' available to look at on the Internet, and you'll understand why. by
wildmusings 03. Why do colleges/universities insist that students buy expensive textbooks that they'll hardly use?
b) Because colleges are actually black holes sucking away all your money. by
rashiea 04. What's the best way to have fun?
b) TCG of course!! by
margyydoodle 05. Why is the word chicken synonymous with coward?
a) Because the chicken was too much of a coward to cross the road, which is why we don't know the REAL answer to that riddle! by
margyydoodle 06. Why can men go topless, but it's generally unaccepted that women do so?
a) ... some men just really shouldn't go topless at all. by
mmrobitussinc) Size envy. Men don't like to be reminded that anything is bigger than theirs. by
wildmusings 07. How did the number 13 get such an unlucky reputation?
e) IDK... but if you squish the 1 and 3 together it looks like the letter B! by
mmrobitussin 08. Why does the English language have different spellings of the same word? (e.g. color/colour, organize/organise)
e) Because it likes being difficult. by
margyydoodle 09. How often should you take a nap?
c) Let me sleep on that. by
wildmusings 10. How come professors give students weeks to write an essay, when most do it the night before it's due?
b) It gives them a longer period of time to put off grading the last essays you turned in. Professors are procrastinators too. by
wildmusings Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)
Also, if anyone wants to see the tallied results, let me know. XD;;;