Sep 02, 2013 23:15
You know those questions that don't have an answer that anyone can prove, test, or otherwise agree upon? I mean, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick, anyway? And why did the chicken cross the road?! Well, now's your chance to get those answers!
Ask your rhetorical, paradoxical, and downright silly questions here, and get one random card per question! These questions will be incorporated into the weekly quizzes, so you can finally get some interesting answers! ;)
01. Each person may ask three (3) questions per week. (This is to prevent people from asking 20 questions to get 20 cards :')) Eack week runs from Friday to Friday.
02. Play nice! No questions that could potentially insult or offend someone. For example, I don't want to see anyone ask something like, "Why is Reki so mean?" D:
03. Keep it work-safe~
04. Have fun! ♥
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