[Results] :: [Week 33]

Feb 23, 2011 07:12

01. How long does it take to write a book?
Correct answer: n/a

d) 20 minutes...you never said it had to be a good book. ~by surrel

02. How long does it take to move?
Correct answer: n/a

a) It took me 1 second to move my mouse to type this. ~by surrel
c) On Earth, under what we humans consider normal gravity? It depends on how lazy you are! ~by shoujo_bubbles
d) Depends on how motivated you are to move in the first place. ~by rashiea

03. What determines a sizable amount of gravitational force?
Correct answer: n/a

b) I'll have to go ask my old physics teacher and get back to you. ^_^ ~by shoujo_bubbles

04. Seriously, what was that magic light in the last season of Lost?
Correct answer: n/a

d) How am I supposed to know? I've never watched Lost. ~by birgitriddle

05. How much sleep can one person handle?
Correct answer: n/a

c) As much sleep as the body needs...though sleeping long doesn't matter as much as the quality of said sleep. ~by birgitriddle

06. Why do cats like being in high places?
Correct answer: n/a

d) The easier to pounce on you my dear. :3 ~by rashiea

07. Why do American TV stations keep trying to remake current British TV shows instead of just airing the real shows?
Correct answer: n/a

c) What real shows? ~by surrel

08. What's the synonym for thesaurus?
Correct answer: n/a

a) Big-Book-O-Usage-For-People-Who-Aren't-Creative-Enough-To-Come-Up-With-Synonyms-Themselves ~by shoujo_bubbles

09. Is it possible to cry under water?
Correct answer: n/a

a) Sure, why not. Ariel proved you can. ~by surrel

10. Why do dogs stick their heads out the windows?
Correct answer: n/a

b) Because it's awesome fun, that's why. ~by birgitriddle

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone wants to see the tallied results, let me know. XD;;;

week 033, !results

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