01. Why do some people perceive the same temperature differently than the rest?
a) Depends on what their body is adapted to as their "normal" reference point. by
rashiea 02. What is your favorite new (to you) fandom?
a) Kamisama Kiss by
rashieab) NCIS...... :D Yeah I'm late to the game. by
mmrobitussin 03. If you had to name a witch doctor character in a video game, what would you name it?
b) OoohEeeOohAhah.... Ching Chang. Walla Walla Bing Bang. by
mmrobitussin 04. Why does it always seem like collections are never complete?
a) Then you wouldn't have anything left to collect. by
rashieab) The point of collecting is to collect ALL the things.... If you have all the things, it's just stuff. by
mmrobitussin 05. Why do things come in waves?
a) Life is fickle like that. by
rashiea 06. Why is America so nuts?
a) It is a broken system with too big of an ego to admit it is broken. by
rashieab) We're technically a group of people founded by a group of people who were deemed nuts and left their respective countries to come to America. Unless you're Native American... by
mmrobitussin 07. Why are well-fitting clothes so hard to find?
a) They are made by varying "average" size statistics depending on the brand, and no one really fits that average mold.
rashiea 08. What is the best way to stay organized?
a) Get organized and keep up with whatever system you've put in place. Letting things pile up on you is how it falls apart fast. by
rashieab) Planners.... All the planners. by
mmrobitussin 09. Best postcard you ever received was from where?
b) I rather do like my Malta postcard. :) Shipped to me from the UK from my American friend living in the Netherlands. It's a global postcard. by
mmrobitussin 10. How do you know when you've played too many video games?
b) Your eyes start to water and burn at the same time. by
mmrobitussin Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)
Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.