Results for the quiz~
Correct answer: n/a
e) Hold on, Fangirl-gasm, gimme a moment.
lefthandpenguin 02.
Correct answer: n/a
rashiea 03.
Correct answer: n/a
b) Their reaction when told fanservice wasn't allowed on the show anymore.
whitelilies22d) Sailor Jupiter: WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GUYS AREN'T REALLY COUSINS?!
caterfree10 04.
Correct answer: n/a
b) Nakuru: So are you two boinking or what?
Yukito: Actually-
caterfree10 05.
Correct answer: n/a
a) So after we find someone smaller than us, we put them in the bag. What next, Sensei?
whitelilies22 06.
Correct answer: n/a
c) Kirimi: *knees Umehito*
Beelzenef: *high voice* Owww....
rashiea 07.
Correct answer: n/a
c) Personally I'm more impressed by the bear's rock-stacking abilties.
wildmusings 08.
Correct answer: n/a
a) Medieval cosplayers
tezuka_zone_pot 09.
Correct answer: n/a
a) Sawako desperately prays that Shouta didn't just notice her pass gas...
wildmusingsd) Sawako: So Bruce Willis was dead the entire time??
lefthandpenguin 10.
Correct answer: n/a
rashieac) And this is why we do not feed the animals
yuutousei Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)
Also, if anyone wants to see the tallied results, let me know. XD;;;