[Results] :: [Week 137]

Aug 05, 2015 02:37

01. Why is good fanfiction so hard to find?

a) Because the internet is swamped by everyone and their pet writing/posting whatever they like regardless of quality. by rashiea

02. What is the best science drama?

a) Bones. by mmrobitussin

03. Why is waiting sometimes so hard to do?

a) There is a reason patience is a virtue. by rashiea
b) Impatience rules the world. by mmrobitussin

04. Why are coupons for things you actually buy so hard to find?

a) Things you want to buy are usually things that have been around for a long time. Coupons are usually to get you to try new things. by mmrobitussin
b) Because then the stores would actually have to lose money on something since more people would be using coupons for said useful item. by rashiea

05. What is the most disgusting food?

a) Mushroom. Who really wants to eat a fungus?! by rashiea
b) Natto is pretty gross. by mmrobitussin

06. Why do pets always seem to have the worst timing to demand something?

a) They like to wait for the opportune moment for them... which is not your opportune moment. by mmrobitussin
b) Pets are like small children in that regard; they don't care what you are doing so long as their wants/needs are met. by rashiea

07. Why do people think hiding the shut up button when they have autoplay is cute?

a) Because people who use autoplay are jerks to begin with. by rashiea
b) .... people are weird. by mmrobitussin

08. What is the purpose of life?

b) Live and learn. by rashiea

09. Why are wifi connections so finicky when you want/need them to work the most?

a) Because then people would actually use them and hotspots would actually have to pay to be useful. by rashiea

10. Why does nature have to produce some of the most terrifying things?

a) It's nature... by mmrobitussin

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.

week 137, !results

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