[tomfoolery] :: [storytime]

Feb 20, 2008 22:41

In before you hear it from so-and-so.

So, TCG, here is a story:

Once upon a time a member of this TCG commented in the event card redemption post trying to redeem a masterball. This member was not warwolves, who cruxis can testify is the only person to get a masterball from the Valentine's chococake cards, and it was not ririkit, who got a masterball from the Christmas events.

Baffled, shocked and flabbergasted, I inquired where they had gotten that masterball, and was given the explanation that an anonymous benefactor had gifted them the event card, and they thought it was one of their friends joking around, and saw no harm in accepting it. Innocent enough.

I asked where the comment was, and they gave no answer for a while, so I went hunting. In their post, I found a thread with one of our current moderators (resonancy) talking about a "friend" who would give them the masterball, which seemed to indicate that they knew about this friend ahead of time. I also could not find said anonymous comment.

When no answer was received after some time, I confronted this member and said they had to prove they were innocent, or it would count as cheating. They said the anonymous commenter had deleted their comment (protip: anonymous commenters can't delete their own comments), and so I asked for proof in the form of comment notifications.

Proof was, in fact, submitted, in the form of screenshots. However, the perpetrator forgot one basic rule of trying to outsmart someone: be smarter than them.

They submitted a screenshot of an inbox, the e-mail dating February 16th, and matching the person in question's claims. However, this e-mail supposedly received on February 16th quotes the HTML code of the LJ post the comment was submitted to (the person in question's card post). Said HTML code contained a link to a post that was made on February 20th, four days after the e-mail was received. Odd, no?


The comments by this person on the event card exchange post have been screened. I have a massive collection of (not doctored, mind) screenshots ranging from activity logs, card post, suspicious threads, the event card post thread, the doctored screenshots sent as proof, the post dated February 20th. Moderators who can't see screened comments may ask for these screenshots if they'd like to know what is going on and I'll be glad to send them. Those who can see screened posts can read the full thread in the event card post (provided the person doesn't delete their comments, in which case, again, screenshots are your friends).

Other mods who have seen/watched the process are warwolves, catfight and temperamental, and most likely cruxis if she has been watching the event card exchange.

In other words, people: if you cheat, don't cheat with the single hardest to get card in the game. If you do cheat with it, don't get caught. If you're caught, make sure your proof doesn't actually incriminate you.

This post is mean and snarky, I realize this. I am not being the least bit modlike about this, except maybe that I refrained from mentioning this until there was definitive proof that they were lying, and that I will not name names.

But frankly? I'm insulted. Here's a hint: We do not spend hours upon hours of our time making cards, updating posts, getting things done as timely as possible, replying to dozens of comment a day, for an established player, one that we used to respect, come around one day and insult our intelligence.

Comments screened.

(pixels are srs bzns.)
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