[mod] :: [participation reminder]

Dec 18, 2007 00:35

Sup guys!

Firstly, PARTICIPATE IN OUR XMAS EVENT~ Validation for wishlists and donations/gifts is "late" because once I reply they can no longer be edited, so yeah. XD;

I've gone and sent confirmation out today for animelims, banner_contest, faicontest, hc_icontest, icon_tournament, ouran_lims, tenipuricon, videogame_lims, and some ridiculously late rewards at the_lbms (I'm so sorry, the three of you!). I've also gone and dealt with masteries, level ups and certificate redemptions, since several mods are still on leave or have computer problems haha. DX If there's anything I missed, let me know please!

I already heard from three of those (b_c, o_l and t_l), and I should've handed out every pending reward there - if I'm still missing any for those three specifically, please let me know?

I've also handed out all the late rewards from videogame_lims's Round 05 - I'm very sorry about that; I was supposed to send them a second confirmation last Wednesday, but I got caught up with end of semester stuff, and I only realized it just now when collecting links for this week's confirmation. I'm very sorry! I made the reward four rather than three randoms for that week, to make up for the trouble.

I've also not yet heard from talesof_awards, so please be patient on that end~


We have three new shiny affiliates! sorting_for_me is a sorting community for Harry Potter. sesshy_icontest is an icontest focusing on Sesshoumaru from InuYasha (hot), and they really need submissions, so prizes for submitting there are a bit shinier than the norm~ There's also la_corda_hush, a hush icon contest for La Corda d'Oro. :3


Submit to faicontest's Week 41!
Sign Up for icon_tournament's Round 04!
Submit to kkm_itest's Week 34!
Submit to la_corda_hush's Week 23!
Submit to sesshy_icontest's Week 82!
Submit to talesof_awards's Week 75!
Submit to tenipuricon's Week 19!
Submit to banner_contest's Week 48!
Sign Up for the_lbms's Round 02!

You can also start nominating for Round 04 over at asianawards! You can find out how in their profile.

And don't forget to apply and vote as usual at tutu_rating, and now at sorting_for_me as well!

!other: participation reminder

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