Today's newspaper says:
* Deck Release: There is a new deck release
here! Also, all members are still eligible for first mastery until another member (not moderator) first masters the deck! :)
* Livejournal problem: If anyone sees any other posts that are blocked by the Captcha problem, please inform the moderator in charge of that post. :)
animanga_crops week 52 voting week 53 submissions anime20in20NONE
disneykrumkakes round 10 voting part 1 round 10 voting part 2
January submissions February submissions March submissions June submissions cb_overflowmake banners!
manga_colorspost icons and colorings!
tcg_deck week 77 tcg_guess week 74 tcg_freeforall
June tcg_lostfound week 76 tcg_lotto week 157 tcg_quiz week 131 voting week 132 submissions question suggestions If you see something wrong with this you should comment below.