Nov 23, 2007 20:27
Another modpost from me already? Say it ain't so!
We've had a bit of confusion regarding card count on level-ups and on claiming prizes, so I'm here to (hopefully) clear that up.
First, level-ups -- special cards count as one for purposes of leveling up. Certificates and fairy cards don't add to your total; you have to redeem them for normal or special cards first. Level-ups are based purely on card count, rather than card worth.
Clear as mud?
Let's say you have 46 normal cards and 3 special cards. Although that's worth 52 in trade, you have 49 cards total, which won't quite get that level-up.
And because everyone's been doing this a little differently, and it's given me a bit of confusion in doing level-ups -- it would help me immensely if you label your card count very clearly with how you're counting. Some people have been putting card count and then card worth; in the above example, they'd put 49 count/52 worth at the top of their post. Others have been giving separate numbers of normal and special cards -- so continuing the above example, they'd say 46 normals/3 specials at the top of their post.
I don't care which numbers you use, but I tend to assume the former since that's how I do it, so please make sure you mark it clearly if you're counting the other way, because I'm a dunce and if there's any possible way for me to miss it, I probably will!
Also on the topic of level-ups: pay close attention to those numbers at the top of the level-up post! 50 cards is still level 1. At 51 cards, you hit level 2 and can claim your prizes.
A few errors regarding both of those have slipped through the cracks, partly because this wasn't clearly spelled out anywhere at first and partly from my own error. If I gave you a level-up early, I'm not going to be taking it back, but I will be paying closer attention to this kind of thing from here on out.
Second -- Neon has asked that I remind you all: when you're given a selection of cards to choose from as your prizes, specials count as one here. If the prize is two random cards and you're offered a special, you don't have to only choose one if you decide to take the special!
I know it can get a little confusing, with specials being worth one in level-ups and rewards, but two in trade and as choice cards. But thinking of it this way helps me -- if you're choosing to get a special, whether as a choice card or in a trade, it's worth two. The rest of the time, it's one, and you're just lucky to get it (or perhaps unlucky, if you want to level and have a hojillion specials in your collection).
I really hope this helps to clarify, but if you're still confused, feel free to drop a comment and I'll flail at one of the more articulate mods to try and succeed where I have failed.