Ignore the previous placeholder entry please.
We have a new affiliate,
talesof_battle! (and soon,
talesof_awards as well. VIVE LE TALES!)
talesof_battle's Round 02 is almost over, but they need votes to close it.
Since it's the final challenge for that round, we get to give them a boost and you get enhanced rewards for it! 8D/8DDD?
VOTE HERE NOW (critiques are not necessary) and earn yourself one shiny, silvery, pretty and awesome B Choice Certificate! That's two choice cards zomg! Amazing! Incredible! Insert adjectives here!
If you leave crits, you'll earn yourself two extra random cards! Gasp! Even more amazing! Even more incredible! Insert more adjectives here! YOU GUYS ARE OF THE ROCK ♥
(the prizes won't be that absurd for voting in future challenges obviously.)
Also, if you like Tales and you like icons, you can always
sign up! The reward is five randoms if you submit to the first challenge! Amazing! Incr--- *shot*
Claim your rewards in
this here shiny post, please~