:D We're done! sorta-kinda....
The redoing of the posts is now complete as of yesterday~ Thank you for sticking around through that chaotic mess. Here's a list of things to come in the near future or have happened within the mess of posts:
- New Affiliates. As you all are pretty aware if you looked through the past 20 posts, we have a couple NEW affiliates. Let's welcome them shall we?
anime_crops ,
brkbck_chllnge ,
inuawards ,
inuyasha_lims ,
la_corda_itest , and
title_awards .
- Old Affiliates list: There are afiliates that have been either dead or inactive for more than a couple months and have had their affiliation removed.
animelims ,
naruto_lyrical ,
teishoku_battle ,
videogame_lims and
the_lbms .
- Roll call will happen within the next week, so please don't go anywhere without warning. You will have a week to respond, so it shouldn't be a problem. All people who have been on hiatus since before the end of May may be deleted if they do not comment the roll call when it happens. Why end of May? It's because we have some members who have been on 'hiatus' since the last roll call. >.<
- New wiki. :D The new moderators are almost finished uploading the new wiki. Thanks to
mobiuswolf who is currently hosting it. ^^
- Deck suggestions and deck series posts will be finished soon. The amount of work put into those is really hard. Thus, please do NOT suggest anything until Bon is finished. Thank you.
- The deckmakers are working hard to bring you new decks right now, so within the next two months we might get some new decks? Maybe. LOL. That depends.
- Bon and Mango are also plotting planning something. ^^ More on that later yes? :)