[Results] :: [Week 123]

Apr 26, 2015 20:50

01. Why is it you always seem to miss the first episode of a show you intend to DVR?

b) Because the universe is telling you to torrent instead. by mmrobitussin

02. Why do electronics randomly decide to not work in between sessions of working just fine?

b) Electronics are as fickle as the rest of life. by rashiea

03. Why are goldfish crackers so addictive?

b) They're small, cheesy, and you can just keep refilling your hand full of them without realizing you've eaten the whole bag. by mmrobitussin

04. Why do people you're arguing against always ignore the most obvious points you use?

a) They don't want to hear them. by mmrobitussin

05. Why are certain color schemes/patterns considered only girly or boyish and not vice versa?

a) Society standards are weird. by rashiea

06. Why are taxes so difficult?

a) If they were easy, accountants would be out of a job. by mmrobitussin
b) Because the government loves to mess with people's lives and steal as much money as they can by confusing you. by rashiea

07. Why do people join websites they don't understand?

a) They may hope to learn to understand eventually... or they're just being fickle. by rashiea

08. Why do kids want to run around in the cold wearing summer wear?

a) They pretend they live in the tropics or Southern California where it's summer year-round. by mmrobitussin
b) Kids don't care what the season is so long as they get to play! by rashiea

09. How come we're so addicted to caffeine?

a) Speak for yourself *whistles innocently* by rashiea
b) It is life's juice, energy, and the thing that keeps modern society running. by mmrobitussin

10. Why is it, even when you learn how terrible a childhood show actually was, you still rewatch for the nostalgia?

a) It's still your childhood regardless on if it was a terrible show or not. by mmrobitussin
b) Memories have an odd way of drawing you in. by rashiea

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.

week 123, !results

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