[Results] :: [Week 118]

Mar 21, 2015 21:35

01. Why are 8-bit things so adorable?

a) I think they look weird personally... not adorable. ^^;; by rashiea

02. What is the best food to eat to minimize cravings?

a) Whatever it is that you're craving. by rashiea
b) Usually whatever you're craving... just a small portion of it though should do the trick. by mmrobitussin

03. Why are old cartoons so amusing?

b) Because Wile E Coyote will never catch Road runner. by mmrobitussin

04. Why is it always only the good or the bad that you hear about a specific topic, never an equal measure of both sides?

b) Opinions are what you hear. If the person writing/saying it didn't have an opinion, they wouldn't have anything to say. by mmrobitussin

05. Why does it take the smallest thing to throw a child off their sleep schedule?

a) Small children are impressionable for a reason. by rashiea

06. Why is the body so sore some days and not others?

a) Depends what you did to make it sore in the first place. Probably took it easy the next day to make up for it. by rashiea
b) Too much working. Sit down and rest. by mmrobitussin

07. Why is Goofy really such a klutz?

a) He wouldn't really be "goofy" if he wasn't. by rashiea
b) That's the way Art Babbitt designed him. :) by mmrobitussin

08. Why do some people like to wear costumes so often?

b) It makes them feel special, they like the attention, or they feel it gives them the ability to hide behind their alternative form. by mmrobitussin

09. Why do kids really throw tantrums?

a) All the better to get the message across that they are. not. happy. by rashiea
b) They want that candy and they want it NOW. by mmrobitussin

10. How do you determine your favorite food?

b) By what you enjoy eating the most and what makes you the most happy. by mmrobitussin

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.

week 118, !results

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