[Voting] :: [Week 90]

Jul 25, 2014 23:15

Voting Rules
01. For every question, choose the response that you feel is the best response. Base your decision on entertainment value, cleverness, and/or creativity; this is completely subjective to your own personal preferences. Which one do you like the best?
02. Only select one response per question. You do not have to vote for a question with only one given response.
03. You may vote for yourself if you truly think it is the best.
04. At the end of your comment, please specify whether you'd like two random cards or a Rank C Certificate.

Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a tcg_exchange member
Votes: 1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice: 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate

Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a member
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice: 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate

You have until 10:00 PM EST on Sunday, July 27, 2014 to submit your votes.

01. If you could choose any type of creature (real or mythical) as a loyal steed, what would it be and why?

a) Toothless. I want toothless. He can shoot blue balls of awesome.
b) Alicorn - the best of both mythical horses in one!
c) A gryphon: cuddly, fierce, majestic and flying is where it's at!
d) http://i.imgur.com/6UpcrOl.jpg

02. What do you think could be a real cause for a zombie apocolypse to occur?

a) Dr. D's brainwashing shampoo.
b) Initial outbreak caused by an insane virus that will slowly eliminate people from the world... *goes to hide out in her cave on a deserted island*
c) Excuse me but let's have Mr. Neil deGrasse Tyson explain to you why we'll never have to worry about that. YAY SCIENCE.
d) Too much gaming killing all of our brains.
e) A divine plague for society's destruction of itself and the planet.

03. Why do many people leave their expensive cars in their driveways, but they have useless junk in their garages? {**Two answers have been joined in one as they were very similar.}

a/e) All the better to show off with. & e) It's all about showing off!
b) To show off their wealth and hide their unsightly cars full of memories
c) Why do people accentuate the names of their fancy cars in speech? People who have the fancy stuff tend to be show-offs.
d) Cars are a sign of money. Money that hangs out in your drive way so you can brag about it!

04. Why does society want us to stay in one career field for our entire lives?

a) Because of a staunch belief in stability is the easy way to prosperity.
b) See, maybe THAT'S going to be the cause of the zombie apocalypse...
c) Because apparently if we change our career, it's a sign we failed in our inital career and society hates failure.
d) Fear or lack of wanting to try new things was born in society long ago and has continued to be bred.
e) That way you fill a nitch and they never have to worry about where to move you.

05. What, if any, real life skills do you think that video games help to develop?

a) Some math and logic skills: many games have an intricate math system and lots of gamers are passionate to find out how exactly those work to be the very best in their game.
b) Hand eye coordination... and being able to withstand motion sickness (or perhaps being able to have hand eye coordination while puking into a garbage can).
c) Coordination is helpful.
d) Depends on the game, but mostly concentration.
e) Well because of my master Tetris skills, I kick a** at organizing cigarette cartons at work...

06. If time travel were possible, do you think it would be acceptable to change the past at all? Why?

b) In such a figurative land, sure, but only to prevent a genocide of people because those are just not remotely fair.
c) Well that just bring up an entire paradox that will confuse the brain. If you change one things for the "better," whose to say something worse won't happen to compensate for the adjustment?
d) No, because everything happens for a reason and if it were to happen any other way, there would be more consequences than were foreordained.
e) I'm having a back to the future moment. Forget going backwards, let's go forwards!

07. Are there any species out there that you think would be better suited with the same capacity of thought/awareness as humans? What species and why?

a) I really want to say dogs because of their loyalty, but the world might have too much of a focus on feces if they were running things.
b) Supposedly our ape cousins are close, but the Planet of the Apes series would suggest this to be a very bad idea.
c) No, because that would just mean we'd have a different species of tyrants.
d) Probably birds because then they would avoid being stuck in grocery stores for weeks on end.
e) Koko the gorilla came pretty close... XD

08. Rewrite your own golden rule to live by (eg: "Do unto others as you'd have done to you.")

a) Hakuna matata it and let it go~
b) "Let it go."
c) Find the balance between "Be kind to everybody" and "I don't owe anyone anything."
d) "Listen with your heart, you will understand." Credited to Grandmother Willow in Pocahontas.
e) Everyone deserves respect and kindess, including you.

09. Why is society so fascinated by serial killers?

a) The dark side is extremely tempting.
b) Most of society is pretty sane, most serial killers are not--and to be captivated by another human doing something so insanely inhumane is truly a human thing.
c) Because we're all secretly sadistic in some way.
d) Because they are clearly missing some marbles which makes them fascinating to people who cannot understand the disconnection.
e) Well, when they're played by Tim Curry, what can you do?

10. Why do people spend money on frivolous items like Staples Easy Button?

a) The concept of such an easy way to do things is too enticing to really think through the logistics of the purchase.
b) Because they have more money than they need.
c) What am I to do with all this money?
d) Office White Elephant... What else would you get?
e) A few bucks isn't too much in assurance that your co-workers may get annoyed.

Note: If anything looks off in this, please let me know! :D

!voting, week 090

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