01. Why do cats insist on taking your stuff to play with, when they have plenty of their own toys?
b) What's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine. by
wildmusings 02. Why are politics such a dirty game?
Everyone slings mud on each other. by
rashiea 03. Why is it the simple things that keep children's attention so much better than the more extravagant ones?
a) They encourage the imagination instead of over stimulating. by
rashiea 04. Why do cats sometimes stare at you so intently?
b) There's another way for them to observe their human(s)? by
rashiea 05. Why is it so hard to catch-up when you fall behind on things?
a) You're already buried under one pile of work while trying to keep up on another one. by
rashiea 06. Why do people forget/neglect to mention small but important details?
a) Because "don't sweat the small stuff" is an oft-repeated phrase that we have all absorbed. by
caterfree10 07. When is it time to give up an icontest?
b) When there's one regular participant and it's usually a mod. by
caterfree10 08. Why do many makers seem to suddenly disappear?
b) They're having secret conventions on Tumblr while ignoring the rest of the internet. by
rashiea 09. What truly decides the success of a web site?
b) How long it can make you forget that there is a world outside your computer. by
wildmusings 10. Where does the Easter Bunny get the eggs that it hides?
They grow in his warren by
rashiea Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)
Also, if anyone wants to see the tallied results, let me know. XD;;;