01. Why does it take so much effort to do your homework?
c) Procrastination is the key to... oh look livejournal. by
mmrobitussin 02. How do lolitas sit down while wearing so many poofy bottom layers?
a) Same way women did so in the 1700's... They bend their knees. by
mmrobitussin 03. Why do kids insist on doing things the hard way?
a) There's another way? by
rashiea 04. Why is the snow white?
a) Water is frozen snow, and since water is clear, as a solid, it'll behave similarly to other clear solids and become white when stacked on top of each other. by
caterfree10 05. If you were dying in the next week, what would your last meal be?
b) Pasta... so much pasta. :D by
mmrobitussin 06. Why are bonuses etc. taxed when they're suppose to be a gift from work?
a) Because the government wants to bleed us all dry. by
rashiea 07. Why is art so expensive?
c) Art can take a long time to make and even artists have to survive somehow, plus buy supplies for their next piece. by
rashiea 08. Why is a slice of cake at a cafe/restaurant so expensive compared to a whole cake from a grocery store?
c) More effort on the baker's part to cut the cake he just made. by
mmrobitussin 09. Why do so many people buy animals for Christmas?
mmrobitussin 10. Why are some nicknames longer than a person's real name?
c) Some people just don't think things through like that. by
rashiea Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)
Also, if anyone wants to see the tallied results, let me know. XD;;;