[Voting] :: [Week 54]

Oct 29, 2013 08:29

Voting Rules
01. For every question, choose the response that you feel is the best response. Base your decision on entertainment value, cleverness, and/or creativity; this is completely subjective to your own personal preferences. Which one do you like the best?
02. Only select one response per question. You do not have to vote for a question with only one given response.
03. You may vote for yourself if you truly think it is the best.
04. At the end of your comment, please specify whether you'd like two random cards or a Rank C Certificate.

Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a tcg_exchange member
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice: 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate

Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a member
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice: 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate

You have until 10:00 PM Eastern on Wednesday, October 30th to submit your votes.

01. Why is it so hard to find something you're looking for... until you no longer need it?

a) Stress is no longer blinding it's location from you.
b) Because there are little sprites that enjoy tormenting people in their everyday lives
c) Life is challenging you to be more like MacGyver.
d) Items like to play hide and seek and only come out when the game is over!

02. Why does fashion go around in circles?

a) Because nothing is original
b) .... Because it would be weird if it went around in squares.
c) Everyone is just waiting for a chance to reuse that once-favorite look so they don't have to get rid of it.
d) It makes passing on hand-me-downs that much easier.

03. Why do people always get sick right around vacation time?

a) Just to keep things interesting
b) Stress = week immune system = you get sick.
c) Unfortunately for you, your white blood-cells took their vacation a week before...
d) Because fate doesn't like it when we enjoy ourselves

04. Why do people blame only one person when it's not just/all their fault?

a) One scapegoat is easier to sacrifice.
b) Blame game!
c) Because it's easier to blame the other person than to suck it up and accept any amount of blame of your own.
d) It keeps them from acknowledging their own guilt.

05. If you live in an exotic place and buy an exotic pet... is it still exotic?

a) Nope, just a normal pet now someone tell me where dragons are a normal pet
b) Only to the tourists.
c) That would make you normal.
d) Probably not, but I would love to get a sloth as a pet. :D

06. How come some people are/seem to be more lucky than others?

a) It's all a conspiracy to sell more lottery/raffle tickets!
b) Luck is fickle and always appears different to each individual.
c) They were blessed by the leprechauns.
d) Because god(s) favor them more than the others

07. Why can we cure a host of illnesses, but not things like cancer or the common cold?

a) Humans are not yet fast enough to keep up with molecular evolution that well.
b) Because cancer is complex and the cold comes from too damn many sources
c) We haven't figured out their source code yet.
d) If the world let us cure cancer, the human population would have exploded larger than it has already.

08. If humans eat angel (food) cake on earth, what do angels eat in heaven?

a) Human food cake! :D Made of humans! Technically it's not cannibalism.
b) Devil's chocolate food cake, it's sinfully delicious!
c) Just cake, but it's the stuff we call angel food cake
d) The best of the angel food cake that we can only sadly mimick.

09. Why do companies require immunizations when they aren't guarantees against illness?

a) Because it's better to protect people who can't get vaccines for whatever reason. That and if you don't get the vaccine, the version of whatever disease you got would've been 9000 times worse, so there's also that.
b) Better to be safe than sorry.
c) In the hopes to prevent you from getting sick and costing them money in sick leave!
d) An ounce of prevention is all you've got when there is no known cure...

10. Why do some child stars end up going crazy while others act completely normal?

a) Their parents scared them straight by making them read/watch celebrity gossip magazines/shows and asking: "Do you want that to be you one day?"
b) They're all crazy in their own ways!
c) It's all in how grounded the child is before the popularity craze begins.
d) The ones who end up normal tend to be the ones who got out before the crazy could settle in.

!voting, week 054

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