Voting Rules
01. For every question, choose the response that you feel is the best response. Base your decision on entertainment value, cleverness, and/or creativity; this is completely subjective to your own personal preferences. Which one do you like the best?
02. Only select one response per question. You do not have to vote for a question with only one given response.
03. You may vote for yourself if you truly think it is the best.
04. At the end of your comment, please specify whether you'd like two random cards or a Rank C Certificate.
Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a
tcg_exchange member
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice: 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate
Name: Your name~
Card Post: A link to your card post, as proof of being a
Votes:1a, 2c, 3f ..... 10a (or some other understandable listing)
Choice: 2 random cards OR a Rank C certificate
You have until 10pm EDT Wednesday, September 11th to submit your votes.
01. How do you get rid of a migraine?
a) Ibuprofen is my friend~
b) By chopping off your head of course!
c) Caffeine.
d) Turn everything off, including your brain.
e) Strangely caffineeeeeeee~ :D
02. Why don't we have a 'bring your pet to work day'?
a) Because then your cat would sit on your keyboard and press keys with it's fluff. It's work would end up being so much better then your own, that you would get fired, and kitty would get hired in your place. Meow =^.^=
b) Because all dem bunnies would cause a lack of productivity
c) Ask yourself how much work you get done on a normal day with all the 'cute animals' available to look at on the Internet, and you'll understand why.
d) Because no matter how well trained a pet is, you can always bet they'll misbehave in new environments.
e) The pets would take over.
03. Why do colleges/universities insist that students buy expensive textbooks that they'll hardly use?
a) It's a good investment... at least for the one holding the royalties.
b) Because colleges are actually black holes sucking away all your money.
c) Because extortion
d) To prepare us for the real world, where we buy expensive things, and never use them *cough*
e) Publishers give them kickbacks... ;_; My wallet.
04. What's the best way to have fun?
a) Video games are awesome, lbh
b) TCG of course!!
c) Spinny chairs.
d) Be a girl!
e) They start 'em young.
05. Why is the word chicken synonymous with coward?
a) Because the chicken was too much of a coward to cross the road, which is why we don't know the REAL answer to that riddle!
b) Have you seen how easily spooked chickens are? IT'S HILARIOUS. >8D
c) Tell me this isn't the most aggravating and taunting sound ever?
d) Because chickens are not the brightest and run away from everything. XD
e) Because not everyone can be as wise as Sheldon Cooper.
06. Why can men go topless, but it's generally unaccepted that women do so?
a) ... some men just really shouldn't go topless at all.
b) If women went around with no tops, most men wouldn't get anything done! Ohohoho.
c) Size envy. Men don't like to be reminded that anything is bigger than theirs.
d) Women have more to show off, naturally.
e) Because misogyny. :|
07. How did the number 13 get such an unlucky reputation?
a) Because it's just that unlucky.
b) Black cats won't stop following it.
c) Something from Christian mythology idk //bad Christian
d) 13 is a loner, a rebel.
e) IDK... but if you squish the 1 and 3 together it looks like the letter B!
08. Why does the English language have different spellings of the same word? (e.g. color/colour, organize/organise)
a) People just choose and stick with their favourite... I mean favorite... ah let's just go with fave!
b) Because the US thought it'd be special and make up their own spellings for words.
c) Because English is a stupid language in general... Why do we have 3 spellings of their, there, and they're.
d) Some people just want to spice it up and pretend it might mean something slightly different than the original.
e) Because it likes being difficult.
09. How often should you take a nap?
a) All day, everyday!!
b) Many times! Like right now!
c) Let me sleep on that.
d) At least once a day!
e) As often as you need it... now sounds good. zzzzzz
10. How come professors give students weeks to write an essay, when most do it the night before it's due?
a) Because AP and college students are professional procrastinators. //says the former AP student
b) It gives them a longer period of time to put off grading the last essays you turned in. Professors are procrastinators too.
c) Doing things on time is for suckers, procrastinaion is where it's at!
d) They need time to grade the last essay before being swamped with more.
e) To teach you the everlasting method of procrastination.