01. What makes kittens so cute?
Just look at that cute fluffy face begging to be loved. by
rashiea 02. Why is it always harder to fall asleep if you stay up past your bedtime doing something in the first place?
a) The adrenaline kicks in and makes you want ot stay awake. Either that or you drank too much coffee right before bed. by
mmrobitussinb) Adrenaline has kicked in and will not let go. by
rashiea 03. Why are tourists so annoying?
a) They get in the way of going anywhere in a timely manner. by
rashieab) They are perpetually lost so they make alot of mistakes.
mmrobitussin 04. What's the best way to help yourself get focused?
b) Eliminate distractions. by
rashiea 05. Why are rooms with furniture like jigsaw puzzles every time you want to move something?
a) You have to keep moving the furniture (aka "pieces") until they all fit just right. By
rashieab) Things fit where they fit for a reason. Why are you moving them?
mmrobitussin 06. What defines work from paid play?
a) You get paid for work because if it was play, everyone would want to do it.
mmrobitussin 07. What's the weirdest animal?
Blobfish look oddly disturbing. by
rashieab) Have you seen the
Platypus? It's like some higher being drank too much while creating it.
mmrobitussin 08. Why do pets always get sick when it's the most difficult to get them to a vet?
b) Believe it or not, they don't plan it that way. The rest of the universe however, is up for debate. by
rashiea 09. Why does your head hurt when you don't want it to?
a) Stress causing headaches or growing into outright migraines. ;_; by
rashieab) Stress.
mmrobitussin 10. Why is science so great?
a) It provides us with concrete evidence of things without a religious meaning implied to it.
mmrobitussinb) It's how you learn and discover new things. by
rashiea Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)
Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.