I am thankful for
gipsieee. For her support of my hobbies, and my geekiness, and my wackiness. It makes me incredibly happy to know that she's looking forward to our next camping adventure, and that we have Bromptons, and that we're seriously looking at making or buying a tiny house in the soon-enough-that-I-can-keep-being-excited-about-it-rather-than-tell-myself-no-you-have-to-wait-it's-too-far-away-to-really-think-about-yet timeframe ^_^ I'm also thankful that she's been encouraging and helping me learn how to cook since we started dating; I think dinner yesterday has been our biggest triumph so far. We're going to be eating well for quite some time!
I'm thankful for my job and my coworkers. Last year was not so great as I spent most of it working on things that I'd really rather not have been working on (realistically, the tasks themselves were fine; it's the codebase that I really wish I hadn't had to deal or interface with). This year is shaping up to be a lot more fun and more interesting and less wondering "what am I going to break with this?" and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm also really glad that they're putting me through a Master's degree; I'm loving the classes that I've been taking so far, and I think they've helped me develop as a, um, developer. So that's good. ^_^
I'm thankful for my family, both sides, who called me up to wish me a happy birthday even though Thanksgiving was the next day, and who did so much towards helping our wedding be the wonderful occasion that it was.