Aug 06, 2009 13:17
Would anyone be willing to house or look in on our cat and/or hedgehog while we are away for the wedding (ie the 2nd half of August)?
Zhenya, the dog is already taken care of. He'll be going to stay with one of Tcepsa's coworkers and their pets. They've met and did quite well for a weekend earlier in the summer.
Hazel, the hedgie is very easily transportable to your location as she lives in a habitrail.
Misha, the cat is adaptable and so could follow you home for the duration, but I'd be leery about introducing him to new pets.
Otherwise they need checking in on every couple of days. We'll give you keys and would appreciate if you would check for packages when you're here so they don't sit on the front porch too long.
Thank you!