(no subject)

Apr 03, 2007 18:02

Holy crap! It has been almost a month since I have updated this journal. I am thinking about never posting in it again, but we'll see. The last month has been interesting. I tried out for the freshman baseball team, and I was told that I was on the team. The following day, I was told that I was actually not going to be able to make the team. My dad and I both agree that it is wrong that they took that away from me, since I had told everyone, so I'm still not sure if they'll let me stay on the team or not.

The Red Sox lost their opening day game yesterday against the Royals, which is really horrible. They really need to win the next two games or else I will be really disappointed.

One year ago today was my first Coldplay concert. I cannot believe that it has been an entire year since that day. The weather is the same as the concert day, and that is pretty creepy.

I am still really surprised that it has been an entire month since I last updated. Have I really been that busy? It's so weird. I guess I really just don't need this journal since I never talk about anything useful here. I usually either state my opinions on things on my forum. Sometimes I just don't talk about stuff, too. I know, I'm so social. Alright, I'll try to update more. Even though like only four people even read this, I still want to update this thing more so I can laugh at myself in college when I go through and read this thing.
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