Here are some pictures from me and Kat's birthday:
We custom ordered this cake from Porto's. Kat and I designed it ourselves. Unfortunately we couldn't find bride toppers to put on top of the cake, but it turned out great anyway. They accidentally spelled my name with an "i" at the end so Kat made them change it, but you can still see where the dot on the "i" was...
Me and my "wife" Kat blowing out 40 candles to blow out - 20 each. We took about a full minute blowing them out so people could take pictures...
Who knew playing the Game of LIFE would be so confusing?? It was fun but things got too complicated in the end so we stopped and switched to Twister (both which Vanessa gave me). Thanks Vanessa =) ...
Having a good time watching TV and playing PS2 games. Btw, doing the same move in Mortal Kombat over and over again doesn't always work...
Not pictured: Jaime, Elvia, and Brian.
Thank you everyone for coming, especially Paul who flew across the country from med school to be there with me. <333
I'm glad everyone had fun. Faiza, I <3 the candleholder, and Bethel, yes you were right the hat does look cute on me =D . The gift cards will be put to good use for the new house. Thank you!