Sep 15, 2005 13:05
Britney Spears had a baby yesterday. She's twenty three years old. She's also married to a back-up dancer. Ignorance is bliss, so they say. That kid will get everything he'll ever be taught to want. He'll never know that there is true meaning in this world unless he escapes the person hired to raise him. His life will be as truthful as Laguna Beach.
In other news, I found a quiz I wrote in eighth grade for the Christmas edition of the school newspaper. If you'd like, you can post your results. It may make my day. Here it goes:
Good or bad? The holidays are coming soon, and all of your relatives are asking, 'were you good this year?' Well, this quiz will tell you the truth: will you get coal or something sweet for the holiday season?
1. Your best friend has absolutely fallen in love with this 'hottie in history,' but he/she asks you out first! You:
a. decline the offer. You don't want a bummed best friend, and besides, he/she isn't your type anyway.
b. are flattered and ask him if he wants to talk about it over lunch. Hey, what's the harm in a little date?
c. tell your friend about the competition, but still think it over.
2. It's the night before you big math test and you're studying your brains out. But about 11:30pm you completely fall asleep. The next day in class, some girl finds a cheat sheet and offers it to you. You:
a. copy as much as you can.
b. ignore it and keep taking the test hoping there won't be any pre-algebra(unless you're in honors!).
c. pull the teacher aside, and tell her that someone was cheating. Why should they be allowed to do something that you can't?
3. Your mom allows you to go out with your friends to see the newest box office hit on the condition that you buy some milk on the way home. You're dropped off around 10:30, completely forgetting the milk. The next day you tell your mom that:
a. you forgot, and it'll never happen again.
b. you got some, but dropped it on the way, and it burst open.
c. you couldn't get it because your ride didn't stop at a store.
4. You've got swimming practice after school until about 5 today, but your buds are going straight to Circle Center to skate. You:
a. lace up those ices! You will be getting some exercise.
b. spend after school in the gym getting a pep talk on the drills.
c. leave half way through b-ball (all work and no play makes a horrible day, right?).
5. You're walking back from lunch at the food court when something catches your eye: a fifty dollar bill! You pick it up and:
a. turn it into the lost-and-found with your name attached so that, if by chance no one claims it, you can get some extra cash for the movies Friday.
b. you ask, whispering, "gee, I wonder if someone misses this?" You ask and nobody claims it, so it's yours, right?
c. bolt out the door! Your best friend will never believe this!
1. a. 3
b. 2
c. 1
2. a. 1
b. 3
c. 2
3. a. 3
b. 1
c. 2
4. a. 2
b. 3
c. 1
4. a. 3
b. 2
c. 1
(15-12 Points) HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE HOLIDAY - You're clear of any problems with your wish list. You've had a clean slate since the last time this came around!
(11-6 Points) YOU'RE NOT (ALL THAT) BAD - You have had your spills and fits, but not too many not to win your parents over in this glorious season. Be sure to ask for something that's not too expensive, though.
(5 or under Points) YOU MIGHT HAVE A PROBLEM - That Play Station you want so badly might have to wait for your next birthday, unless you want to put on some extra buttering up. Next time, take my advice and try a little harder!
Funny, isn't it? First, let me point out that some of the answers don't make any sense... for instance, since when did swimming practice take place in a gym with b-ball? For the most part, though, I think I did alright. I was only in eighth grade, you know. Gearing up to be a star writer, I suppose. I was also the editor of this silly paper, so I have no excuse for the subject material making no sense. O well. I did better in high school. Maybe I'll post an article from that paper sometime if I can find one.
You gotta love packing up all your junk and moving it 2 miles away. Sigh. This has been such a long day!
Even better! I wrote this too! For the same paper! Aren't I cheesy?
IF YOU THINK YOU NEED A LIFE...* by Tarah Cantrell
1. you've prank called everyone (including businesses) in the phone book.
2. you actually know who killed Kenny.
3. you don't know the meaning of 'after school activities.'
4. in fact, the only normal term that you know is 'Nintendo 64.'
5. you've come up with at least 3 of your own spoken and written languages.
6. you've never even heard of sports (except in P.E., where you just sit along the side lines and get demerits anyway).
7. you are the 'weird one' who does nothing in your clique.
8. your friends always say, "I've never met anyone like you, and I don't think I ever will again."
9. If you can read this article, you can't understand it.
10. you have to be practically pulled, pushed, or whatever to even move, let alone walk or sit up.
*Note: not everyone may agree with this, so please be aware that this is only for fun...Tarah
Okay, so I really love how none of this is funny. The most amusing thing about this 'article,' as I call it, is the note at the end. When was I given the authority to say whether anyone needed a life? What kind of stupid teacher allowed this to be published? Anyway, I won't bore you anymore with my middle school banter. I'm off for a cup of tea.
Days until:
I go someplace new: 7
I arrive there: 8