The Magical Mystery Tour.

Sep 13, 2005 22:24

Some quick housekeeping:
Starting September 23, I'm maintaining a second LJ account devoted solely to my trip to the UK. If you're interested only in my UK travels, please transfer your readings over to:
Most likely I will post the same messages on both LJs. The only difference would be that if I continue writing at the rate I've been this whole summer, I may update this journal more often.

Truly today:
Tomorrow is my last day of work. I am actually deeply saddened by it. It's silly; I'll be back in December. So why am I so melancholy? Am I behaving childishly? Am I growing emotionally attached to a few of the ever-changing cast members in my recent existence? Am I going to continue to ask myself rhetorical questions?

I'm falling for Ryan. It's a good thing I'm leaving the country. Maybe after I've eaten a steady diet of fruits and veggies and walked around for a while I'll become more suitable for him. Cute guys deserve cute girls after all. He said my skirt was cute today. Well, I want more than my skirt to be cute for him. I want what's inside to count. Heh heh. So I'll continue to better myself in the diet department. We'll see what happens.

I'm going to discuss the possibility of:
A. Allie living with Paula and I Senior year
B. Kurtis being our interior designer.
I'm sure Paula will be thrilled, no?

Oh, and I finally got 'Chaos and Creation in the Backyard.' Now I can stop ranting and raving and start listening. Also, for those who keep inquiring, the party is at Allie's house Saturday night. I'll have more details later, but it's definitely a go. So come. Have a creme-filled holiday.

Days until:
I leave the USA: 9
I get lost in Heathrow airport: 10
I catch up: 11
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