Oct 30, 2013 11:51
Is there something is the air? Does it have anything to do with the fact that we're almost to Halloween? Is it just the lousy weather? Why are so many people having trouble sleeping?
I don't normally have this problem, and I have been blaming my frequently disrupted sleep-time on my attempts to establish an early morning workout routine, but now I'm beginning to wonder. I haven't had a solid 8 hours during a weekday for the better part of October and I'm hearing reports from co-workers of the same problems. Today I'm cursing my body's problems with caffeine and wishing I could artificially fuel myself on coffee like normal sleep-starved human beings.
I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, which is becoming a bad habit of mine, but I think I managed to drop off between 10:30 and 11PM. I woke up the first time shortly after 1AM. Mother Nature was insisting on a visit to the bathroom and I had a tight muscle in my lower back (Latissimus Dorsi on the Medial Left hand side, if you really want to get specific) that did not want to relax. I didn't get back to sleep until after 3AM and I had originally intended to wake up at 4:30 to get myself to the gym by 5AM. That wasn't happening today. I snatched another hour, maybe two, in total between the frequent boughts of sudden conciousness before the 6AM-last-chance-to-get-your-lazy-ass-up-or-call-in-sick alarm. I managed to drag my gym bag with me, intending to do penance on the exercise bike this evening if I don't collapse first. At the moment, though, I'm so tired my muscles ache and I'm having trouble with remembering my alphabet. If I don't sleep well tonight I might have to fall back on my college insomnia cure and look up some old Bevis and Butt-Head episodes to watch until my brain drools out my ears and I simply fall into unconciousness. It's not the kind of cure I look forward to and I don't even know if I could get ahold of old episodes on short notice. I certainly wouldn't want to pay for them! Maybe I can substitute Spongebob. *Shudder!*