Nov. 3rd - Open invite Samhain Ritual/Day of the Dead Feast

Oct 24, 2012 18:32

Serendipity Household will be hosting a open Samhain ritual and Day of the Dead
feast this year at 6pm on November 3rd. A brief summary is below. If you have
not received a Facebook invitation and would like to, or have any questions,
please feel free to email, message, or leave a reply post here, and I will work
on getting you added to the invite. This is an open event. So, please feel
free to pass the invitation on to anyone you feel would be interested in
attending. The address is 2425 Arbor Hill Rd.

This will be a full mystery ritual with more depth than our normal rituals. It
will also be both more serious and a darker tone than our normal ritual. The
ritual's theme is acceptance of things as they are, acceptance of
people/opportunity/things lost, and out of that, appreciation of both what is
and of what is or has past. We will be doing individual Tarot readings later in
the evening for as many people as possible for the up coming year in ritual
space as part proceedings. Participants will be heavily involved and
participating throughout the evening (no preperation needed, just a little
faith, diligence, and trust). People are welcome to come for the potluck and not
participate in the ritual, but will miss out on parts of the evening. Please try
to arrive between 6pm and 7pm as ritual will be before the potluck.

Our tradition at Samhain is for people to bring a dish that was a favorite of
someone who has passed or that is part of your heritage. We will be hosting a
modified "Day of the Dead" feast for the potluck, and will be taking the first
serving of each dish or food item for the altar. People are welcome to come in
ritual garb, street clothes, or costume appropriate to a "Day of the Dead"
celebration. Our last open Samhain had over 60 people. So, we are both intending
and planning on this having the festival feel of a true "Day of the Dead" feast.
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