Jan 01, 2010 01:20
Well, it's after midnight here, and if the old legend that whatever you're doing at the stroke of midnight, NYE, is what you'll be doing for the next year has any credence at all, then I'll apparently be writing an awful lot this year. *hee*
I managed another 2,600-ish words on the third and final story of the Conventional series and I'm very happy about that, so yeah. I can handle being writing like a crazy person for the next year! *hee*
I'd love to post one of those flashy, glittery 'Happy New Year' things here but I don't know where to find them or how to put them up, so... Happy New Year, everyone!!!
I hope it's joyous and glorious and brings each and every one of you only good things!
As for myself, I had a truly insane number of stories published this past year, which only makes sense since I haven't been able to find a job since before LAST New Year's. I've been channeling all that frustration into writing, I suppose.
SO. My goal for the New Year is to write less. Not because I WANT to write less but because I'm hoping that I'll be working soon and thus will have less time for the writing.
Another goal is to have my first book for Total-E-bound sell well enough that they want to publish the second... and hopefully the third (yes, I wrote what is a trilogy, so far). This means I need to pimp it and do promo and I have NO idea of how to accomplish that. If any of you have advice or tips, my darling flisters, they would be very appreciated. *grins*
I'm also determined to quit smoking because it's a filthy-dirty habit. This is not a resolution, but something I'd like to do in the coming year. OH, and start exercising because my ass is getting WAY too big for my standard "I have a lush bottom" line to work anymore. LOL
So that's it. My last 2009-centric post.
Hope all of you (dependent upon where you are) have had, are having, or will have wonderful New Year's Eves. And I hope 2010 brings each and every one of you everything you want, need and deserve.
Much love (as sappy as that may be)...