Jul 19, 2005 10:58
define love: 1. noun; the undying affection and bond of which one can speak of. "I discovered that the feeling I held inside was none other than love." 2. verb; the act of sharing one's undying affection and creating a bond with another person or object. "I love him." 3. verb (used unaffectionately); a feeling of great like towards an object that cannot love. "I love that new dress you bought last Saturday." 4. verb (used without full thought); an expression of appreciation, but nothing more. "Oh my gosh thank you for finishing my homework for me, I love you, you're the best!"
basically, there are a lot of different ways one can use the term "love." i personally prefer definition number one, but that's just me. of course, we all use all of the definitions, but we'd all like to say the sentence of number one. but unfortunately, not all of us can.
*i need a flower so i can peel away the pedals to the 'i love him, i love him not yet' tune*