Who: Emma & the Gleeks
When: Friday, November 18, 1956
Where: WMHS
What: Glee!
Status/Rating: Incomplete, PG
Warnings: NONE
Emma walked into the room and smiled at the students standing in front of her. She held a stack of papers in her hands. Today, she addressed the group without sitting down first.
''Hello children, nice to see you all could make it today.'' She smiled warmly at the teenagers as she continued. ''Now, I would like to remind you all that today is the last opportunity you have to enter our little competition, which will determine a section of our set list at Sectionals. Giving myself the week-end to think about it, I shall communicate my final decisions on Monday. Now then, shall we get to it? I'm sure Mr. Schuester - she blushed slightly at the mere mention of William's name - would appreciate it if his glee club proved to be able to win a major competition without his help. Let's all make him, proud shall we? Oh, also, I have brought a few brochures with me for you all. Please feel free to read them over when you have the time.''
Without waiting any further, she handed each student a copy of the document - Competition and Ethics or How to Say ''No, I'm Better Than You'' With a Smile on Your Face.Once done, the redhead finally took a seat, after first ensuring it passed her strict hygiene standards.