Who: Mercedes Jones and Santana Lopez
When: Monday, November 7, after school.
Where: The Jones Household
What: Mercedes wanted some company.
Warnings: None, at the moment :)
Mercedes had invited Santana over because, well, she needed something to do. Something that didn't include homework or going to the park. She decided that Santana would be the best remedy for boredom, seeing as Santana definitely was the opposite of a 'square'.
They had decided to meet at Mercedes' house after school. Which gave Mercedes enough time to change out of her school clothes and into something more comfortable. After she was changed and comfortable, she settled onto the couch in the living room, book in hand. As she didn't know when Santana was planning on coming over, she figured reading would be the best thing to do until the girl was there. She had no idea what the two would be doing once Santana was over there, but she thought that they'd probably figure something out.