Who: Jeff, Glee kids
Where: Sterling residence
What: Party
When: Saturday night
Status/Rating: If the last party is anything to go by, NC-17
WARNINGS: Discussion / hints of eating disorders, and Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Expected use of alcohol (half the cast is still underage), possible sex, not-so-sober actions? Really, all the fun stuff.
This was going to be a success, or his name wasn't Jeffrey Sterling )
Lauren had no problem finding the Sterling mansion. In fact she managed to reach it at seven. Great, she thought. She showed up for a party on time, something she didn't even do for own party a few weeks ago. She thought she was the first one here. Lauren waited in her car for a few minutes to see if anyone else would arrive. Sighing, and reminding herself that she was still a badass-no matter how early she arrived for a party-Lauren stepped out of her car.
She took a moment to admire the house. It was huge and beautiful. Frankly, Lauren thought it had her name all over it.
She rang the doorbell and waited.
''Hi, I presume you're here for the party? Please come in, you're the first one here so it's still pretty quiet, but nonetheless, feel free to make yourself comfortable. I'm Jeff, by the way, if this wasn't obvious already.''
He motioned for her to follow him as he reentered the house.
Knocking on the door softly, he was greeted by a blond boy - that sure brought back memories of his lemon-juiced 2011 self - who introduced himself as Jeff. After shaking his hand politely, Sam entered the house, taking in the sight. It seemed almost bigger from the inside. Spotting the food table, Sam immediately felt himself becoming hungry. He'd have to resist the pastries, though.
Taking notice of Lauren's presence after a while, he addressed the girl, smiling:
''Hey Lauren, how's it going? This place sure is nice...''
She stepped into the house, and decided it was high time for a drink. It didn't matter that she had just arrived to the party, a party was a party and alcohol made parties. She poured herself a vodka and orange juice, and took a sip of it.
She peered toward Sam, Jeff, and Lauren. She smiled at the two, "Hello! Nice place, right?"
''So, this Jeff guy, how did you meet him?'' inquired Sam.
''I mean, I've only spoken to him briefly, but he seems rather nice. If a constant reminder of some of my past mistakes.'' Joked the boy, gesturing to his hair, knowing the girls will get the joke.
''Having fun guys?''
Of course, nothing fun had actually been happening, but the start of the party was pleasant enough.
''We could put on some music if you'd like... I'm thinking... glee club, singing along... but that might be cliché. Your call guys.''
She returned the hug when Jeff came toward them. She took a drink of her vodka, and glanced around the room. "It's a nice party, so far. Though music would be good. I like music." Obviously, since she was in the glee club, right?
Sam then let out a laugh.
Then, when Jeff returned, Sam playfully punched him on the shoulder.
''Yeah, music would be great! Though I probably won't know any songs... I'm more of a songwritter myself.''
She took a sip of her drink- punch for now. Jeff appeared at their sides and after hugging Mercedes, Lauren smiled at him. "I third the music. Something fun!"
She nearly choked when Sam mentioned he was a songwriter. She caught his eye and laughed.
He didn't know what to make of the playful push Sam had given him. The brown haired hunk was perhaps already getting a little tipsy? Oh maybe he was just trying to be friendly. He had always tended to steer away from jocks, so he wouldn't know whether or not this was normal behavior.
''So, any preference?'' he had asked Mercedes and Lauren directly, since Sam had just declared his lack of musical knowledge to the world.
She waited anxiously for Jeff's reaction. If she had messed up, she was confident she could cover her tracks without blowing her true story. No need to tell Jeff that he was in the company of three perfectly sane people from the year 2011 just yet. Or ever.
''May I interest you in some cake? It's delicious. If you don't want it, I'll simply eat it all.''
Laughing, he took a sip from his drink.
Yeah, he was truly enjoying himself.
Smiling, he simply replied ''I wish I could take the credit, unfortunately, this was all cooked by our kitchen employees... I could find you the recipe, however.''
He flashed a grin at Sam and, just as he was about to say something else, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was rather surprising that he heard it over the music, he thought, but the important part is that he did.
''If you'll excuse me, I'll be right back.''
She was smirking at Sam as he turned around. A million comments sat on her lips just waiting for an opportunity. She would be careful though. Believe it or not she didn't want to embarrass Sam and Jeff could be back any second. She just wanted to see Sam sweat more.
"Jeff is nice," she replied still smirking. "Cute even, if you're into that type." She waited trying to gage Sam's reaction. "Really blonde though."
Then Sam said he needed a drink. She glanced over at Mercedes to see if she was as shock as Lauren.
Casually she went over to Sam. "Cake and alcohol, Evans? Someone's got you unhinged. Just take an easy with that, okay?" She nodded at the drink in his hand.
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